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Internet / Page Problems? - Printable Version

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Internet / Page Problems? - 922 - 03-05-2014 11:11 AM

Hello my name is Rachel and I am having problems with my internet. Without my consent my computer will shut down and will not re-start and it will keep shutting down till I press the home button then its fine. A simple internet search is fine but as soon as I go to a website or application it shuts down. But when I go to Facebook , YouTube , or Netflix any other page really it shuts down without me allowing it. I thought maybe it was a memory issue or a virus but I ran a quick scan and it says am in the clear what should I do please I need help! it makes homework a lot harder to do lol

- Razule - 03-05-2014 11:17 AM

I'm guessing you meant to say your Browser is shutting down not your Computer. Normally I'd point my finger at malware for an issue like this but if you're confident in your scanner and nothing was found then I have a few thoughts.

1. If you're using internet explorer then it's possible it became corrupted during a recent update that was applied. You can see if there is an additional windows update for it and hope it fixes it or you can get a different browser such as Firefox, Google Chrome, Opera and so on.

2. If you're already using one of those other browsers and they're crashing then you might try re-installing them as a recent update, power outage, or something along those lines may have damaged the program.

3. since it seems to be having issues with youtube, Netflix and facebook it is possible that it's crashing due to Java or Adobe Flash which is used a lot on those pages (Netflix also uses Silverlight but that's only when actually playing the videos and is likely not the problem). Try uninstalling and reinstalling Java and Adobe Flash to see if that corrects the issue if it was not solved by a previous step.

Good luck!