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What do you thinkl I'm most likely to dream about tonight? - Printable Version

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What do you thinkl I'm most likely to dream about tonight? - Tomsdottir - 03-05-2014 02:22 PM

Given that I've had a migraine for the last 3 days and am crabby as hell, as a result.

- Peach appeal - 03-05-2014 02:30 PM


- 758 - 03-05-2014 02:41 PM

Screaming Kids running around the House Sad

- VoiceOfTheWind - 03-05-2014 02:44 PM

My right big toe. Enjoy! Smile

- Snarky - 03-05-2014 02:53 PM

You will dream that you're a spy with the OSS in WWII deep undercover behind enemy lines when you're captured. The Nazis start to interrogate you by placing your head in a vice and playing the Cup Song using metal pans. Right when your will is about to break and your tempted to spill all your secrets you hear sounds of rescue. Your high school English teacher breaks down the door, dispatches the remaining Nazis and releases you from your bonds. The teacher then hands you the notes for the speech you must give and turns you around to face the full high school auditorium. You're about to give your speech when you realize the notes are in German and you can't read them. You clear your throat nervously but people start to laugh and point. You realize you didn't get your clothes on this morning and you're standing there in your underwear.

- Neil - 03-05-2014 03:07 PM

Well, you are going to dream of ME. That anonymous fellow you gave the 'best answer' too and later, by coincidence, danced with at a friends wedding. You'll find out that I spent years as a wildlife photographer in the Canadian North but had been forced to return to look after my ailing father's business interests....right there in your home town.

You'll dream of our casual conversation about social media and anonymity of the net - of how small the world really is and how your simple, nonsensical question, captured my heart.

Then you will finally awaken, on our schooner, looking out onto the setting sun disappearing behind the Filchner-Ronne Ice Shelf off Antarctica.....To whale song and the crush of ice, we will reminisce over the glorious months we've had together since the wedding and our humble beginnings, right here and right now.

- Broms - 03-05-2014 03:16 PM

Let's're seeing me for the first time in ages, and you're feeling miserable.....

Speaks for itself, doesn't it?

- Elflaeda - 03-05-2014 03:26 PM

Cooking a lobster casserole.