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Crush goes offline when I'm online? - Printable Version

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Crush goes offline when I'm online? - Jovan Flores - 03-05-2014 02:39 PM

So I like this girl that I'm friends with on Facebook and I think she likes me because i checked who has been on my profile most and she was on most. Every time I go online when she's on she immediately goes offline. I then make myself appear offline and she comes back on right away, and this has happened more than once, does this mean she doesn't like me?

- Jessie - 03-05-2014 02:46 PM

Oh my

- Victor - 03-05-2014 02:55 PM

Tough call if you know her in real life, create a chance meeting and small talk. You'll find out right away.

- Rex - 03-05-2014 03:11 PM

heres my advice..leave it online for a while..and when she gets online..dont message her just leave it alone. It wont make you seem clingy and stuff

- ashley - 03-05-2014 03:16 PM

It could imply she is extremely shy. Shr looks at your profile, rather than asking questions 2 get 2 know. Shy girls always take indirect approach, it's kinda cute.

- Kristin - 03-05-2014 03:19 PM

There's no sure way to tell who is viewing your Facebook profile. Those apps are a bunch of scams and are full on viruses.
This girl is obviously trying to avoid you for some reason. She's just being sneaky about it and doesn't want to hurt you. She would delete you altogether if she wanted to be mean.

- kate - 03-05-2014 03:24 PM

well all im wondering is how u checked who was on your profile lol

- Fairouz - 03-05-2014 03:36 PM

Girl body was known as the most complicated machine on earth. Their emotion can simply turn bad from calm sea waves to tsunami. Add on, If she can't control her mood in her menstruation period. Well that's just an example. In your case, a woman or girl does not feel wanna love all the time, sometimes they in another thingy mood like shopping, funny things, funny guys, silly stuff or her own interests. A man of her life was able to make her in mood to love all the time. Just post something good in your Fb. Post hot pics to tell her indirectly that you're attractive. The most important part is ignore her for a moment, girl nowadays does not appreciate clingy and sticky guy. So put yourself some dignity and market.

Based on your statement it's too general dude. I can't predict better than your own self. But for me yes! she doesn't like you or she seems doesn't like you to bother her. Give her some space.

- RIcky - 03-05-2014 03:40 PM

First of all, there is no reliable way to check who views your profile. Do not believe the Apps/programmes.
Secondly there could be a number of reasons why this girl logs off when you are on. It could be coincidence, she might actually like you and be a bit shy or she could be avoided talking to you for a specific reason.
The best way to test if she likes you is to talk to her in person, not specifically about dating but you should be able to tell from general conversation how she feels about you (body language/length of answers are some obvious tells).
Good luck!