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How to get timeline on facebook? - Printable Version

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How to get timeline on facebook? - Threalcupcakes Cupcakes - 03-05-2014 05:25 PM

When I go to the Introducing Timeline page, there is NO get it now button at the bottom of the page!!! Helppp pleasseee

- abraXus - 03-05-2014 05:36 PM

go here

then click the green button at the bottom

you can go here to learn how to set it up

if you dont see the button, that means you have to wait for it

- Nisal - 03-05-2014 05:47 PM

facebook timeline is rock, but still lack in loading...
get timeline by access and click get timeline button (green button on the bottom left corner)

- MoriasDepths - 03-05-2014 05:48 PM

FYI, there is currently no way to remove the Timeline once you switch to it. Think long and hard about it first! (And yes, I am aware that there are quite a few 'guides' to removing the Timeline. Most of them simply don't work, while the rest give you viruses or other malware.)

- Rom Cartridge - 03-05-2014 06:04 PM

This guide will show you how to upgrade to the new Facebook Timeline:

As for your problem, many users reported that they still don't have the green button to upgrade to Timeline. Some of them tried different browsers and computers but the button still wasn't there. As members from the same family using the same computer had different results, this can only mean that the upgrade is not yet available for some users.

A good way to go about it is to try once a day until the button appears.

Good luck!