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How to quit my job without burning bridges? - Printable Version

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How to quit my job without burning bridges? - melissa - 03-05-2014 07:28 PM

I'm only 14 (turning 15 in June) and I've been working at a cafe around the corner for seven months. Recently I havnt been enjoying it and I come home crying sometimes because my bosses all hate me. They recently posted a photo on the staff Facebook page that was clearly directed at me. I can't stand if anymore I want to quit!! I'm not sure how to do it though.. Keep in mind they already hate me.. I just need to leave without to much pain. Also remember I'm 14 and very shy.

- Jamey - 03-05-2014 07:39 PM

Just don't go in!! You're only 14, it's not like your the CEO of BP, or the Prime Minister or something. Just phone in sick one day and don't go back. If they wanted you back while you're off sick, they'll contact you to check you're OK and ask you when you're coming back, so then you'll know for certain whether they like you or not.

- zzMMpp - 03-05-2014 07:48 PM

Just turn in your two weeks notice. Write and sign a letter telling them that you will be quitting in two weeks, and then finish them out. Keep a copy of the note for yourself. Don't make a fuss or chew anyone out. Just hand it in, work two more weeks, and be done with it.

- Janese4ever - 03-05-2014 08:05 PM

Even though you're only 14, you still need to make the adult decision and give them your 2 weeks notice cause just not showing up will probably come back to bite you in the butt when looking for future employment.

- Richard L - 03-05-2014 08:09 PM

Melissa - You need to find another job and as soon as you locate one you can give your 2 weeks notice. Many times after you give your 2 weeks an employer will just tell you they don't need you to come in anymore. Don't quit until you find another job and get an actual job offer.

If you are shy or introverted (I am too) you will often be the victim of things like this. Many people will think a shy person is stupid or slow. You will become a convenient punching bag and subject of their unfeeling jokes, kidding or bullying. This is obviously not fair but it is the impression we leave as shy people and others will take advantage of us. This is true in life and in employment.

Best wishes!