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My tumblr blog doesn't show up in search? - Printable Version

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My tumblr blog doesn't show up in search? - 236 - 03-05-2014 07:29 PM

When my friends try to search my blog on tumblr it doesn't show up. I even tried searching for it and it didn't show. I have the link in my instagram bio and it works so i don't know what's wrong. It's not an innapropriate blog and i verified my account with the email when i signed up. I also changed my url in the past few days and i'm wondering if that's why. Also, when i say search, i don't mean a search engine like google or bing, i mean the search bar on the tumblr website if it makes a difference.

- Jackson Tom - 03-05-2014 07:45 PM

Don't worry submit your Tumblr blog on "Google Webmasters Tools"

In GWT use Fetch as Google option to crawl your website faster.