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Do i have enough facebook friends? - Printable Version

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Do i have enough facebook friends? - sunny - 03-05-2014 09:58 PM

I was wondering if i had enough friends on facebook! i have 163 at the moment and m 19 years old!
others seem to have 800 and all! So i feel i should have more! what do u guys think?

- sunil - 03-05-2014 10:00 PM

I hate this generation.

- Reina - 03-05-2014 10:10 PM

It depends if you actually know them.

- littleblackcat - 03-05-2014 10:16 PM

yes it's enough only add people whom you know don't randomly add ppl cause you want more friend's!

- claire b - 03-05-2014 10:27 PM

No....stick with what you have. Do you even KNOW the people you are already friends with? Whats the point of having 800 friends if you don't even speak to them all? Personally I think people with that amount of friends has issues, or feels insecure and wants to feel popular.

Think Quality, NOT Quantity!

- Hurley - 03-05-2014 10:32 PM

Facebook is not a place for having the most friends. Be yourself, contact the people you KNOW

Honestly in my opinion i hate facebook, i recommend deleting your account unless you really use it to contact people but once again thats my opinion.

- bpehepi dsdpp - 03-05-2014 10:43 PM

whts the point?

- xoxo - 03-05-2014 10:45 PM

yes that's fine..people who have 800 or 1000 friends on Facebook don't know the people they add in reality so better do add ur real friends on Facebook rather than strangers

- me0w - 03-05-2014 10:46 PM

No you don't!

Everyone below 1337 friends is sooo uncool you know. And also if you don't get at least 13 thumbs up for every comment you post, you won't make it thorugh life. So be sure to ask EVERY SINGLE PERSON you see on facebook to be friends, otherwise there is no reason to live for......

- mistyrious - 03-05-2014 10:56 PM

I use to only have like 30 friends on facebook :-( (when I had it it's deleted once I found out its bull) my life was not worth living for because I only had soo little friends everyone else had hundreds of friends :-( and me - 30!!! .. :| :| look why are ppl soo bothered about how many friends they have on FACEBOOK??? All the photos you post you might even have pedos on your friends list its not like you know them in reality they could be fakes.. Facebook is actually taking over the minds of kids today :| wow I keep wondering whats goin to come next..