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My mum won't let me have Facebook and my dad will? - Printable Version

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My mum won't let me have Facebook and my dad will? - Joshua - 03-06-2014 01:36 AM

My mum says I can't have Facebook and when I'm 14 I can im 13 now but she wants my password witch I'm not doing like I'm alowed to have secrets and have some privecy but my dad said I can have Facebook but my mum will go mad if I do get it under my dads say btw my parents r split up help please

- Will - 03-06-2014 01:39 AM

Who cares what she says. You're parents have split up right? If you live with your dad, you go by his rules. Not her's. If she want's to go crazy on your dad, that's her problem. He gave you permission to have one. But if you live with your mom, you're outta luck.

- mihir - 03-06-2014 01:49 AM

I agree with will. Also, Facebook is basically a dying social media site, try Instagram?

- Brianna - 03-06-2014 02:00 AM

Tell your mom you want your own privacy but assure her that you well be responsible and safe on the internet, like youll only add people that you know and if anyone is making you feel uncomfortable or bullying you online you well block them. Everybody has facebook at your age so its unfair why your not allowed, facebook can be great as long as your responsible. Also if she still says no you can always just change your password in the facebook settings. Hope this helps but talk to her first Smile