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Would malevolent minded Governments target internet users with dissenting views...? - Printable Version

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Would malevolent minded Governments target internet users with dissenting views...? - Gandhi - 10-15-2012 07:44 PM

Facebook's marketing director has called for an end to on-line anonymity, saying internet users would 'behave a lot better' if everyone had to use real names when surfing or posting on the internet.

So how safe would those users be, who prefer to remain anonymous?

How safe would those dissenters be who report the truth about the criminality of certain Government activities?

Consider living in a repressive country, where people can remain anonymous and report what is really going on, without being identified, how safe would they be from reprisals?

Read more:

All thoughts welcome, even those who still believe their Government is squeaky clean and would never dream of doing anything untoward to those with dissenting voices.


- RIcky - 10-15-2012 07:53 PM

I wouldn't put it past them...If there is one thing I have learned from history it is that governments always act in their own self interests and they always try to divide us against ourselves.

- BadWolf63 - 10-15-2012 07:53 PM

Sure, but it is always the same problem.

The more freedom you have, the more people will try to exploit it.

And internet, at the moment, has the top level of freedom.

- MapleLee - 10-15-2012 07:53 PM

Definitely. The Chinese government locks many of them up. They even banned the word Egypt from search engines so that Chinese people didn't get any ideas about revolting.

- magick - 10-15-2012 07:53 PM

Yes they would . That is the reason I don't use facebook .

- EU Dictatorship - 10-15-2012 07:53 PM

Wasting little time in exploiting the freshly dead bodies of dozens of Norwegian teenagers to push its draconian agenda, the European Union has swiftly announced that it plans to set up an “early warning system” to combat “extremism,” the problem being that the EU treats legitimate criticism of its own corrupt institution as extremist.

It is illegal to criticise the EU, (European Court Of Justice (case 274/99) and the institution is on a mission to marginalise any national political parties that do not pander to the European federal superstate agenda, by smearing them as racist and xenophobic.

- new labour voter - 10-15-2012 07:53 PM

Well China (plus more) targets internet users with dissenting views, so yes.

Identity theft rife, where does that guy get his ideas from?

How would it be even introduced? Sign on with your passport details? Face books marketing manager has not got a clue unless he trying to get face book mentioned in the news?

- Bennite - 10-15-2012 07:53 PM

I find the idea horrendous. The Internet is an unparalleled haven of free expression precisely because of widespread anonymity. Besides, the Internet would be an extremely boring place without trolls. The powers that be want to censor the Internet because it is a threat to them. Pay no attention to their faux-concern for the vulnerable online. Until a government comes along and bans bullying in the workplace, they have no authority to pedal this issue. (they don't, because so many people in politics and the media are bullies anyway)

On the contrary to what Schmidt says, what he suggests sets 'dangerous precedent'. The real bullies are people like him who think our words and thoughts should be policed.

- David H - 10-15-2012 07:53 PM

So much for these 'nerdy-techno-Internet-people' all claiming censorship/control of the Internet 'will never' happen.........dream on - its happening.!!

Its going to happen right across the Internet board.!! Do people out there really 'think' authorities of any sort - will put-up with the 'abuse' that some of these Internet users 'spew-out' all day long+the illegal downloading etc - the personal attacks on other Internet users - the promoting of up-risings (middle-east) on twitter/facebook ?.

Peoples broadband ID will be policed like never before - no good people claiming .......its against 'their' HR - we only have the HR that our governments allow.

These web exposures (youtube/social networks) will be controlled/deleted by authorities no matter what the public says.

We will 'all' be held accountable for our postings/downloads etc - and its happening right now - wake-up people - the 'abused Internet freedom' of the written word is OVER ...........and its 'most' of the Internet users own fault - because of their own actions.

- Ian r - 10-15-2012 07:53 PM

All governments are at a loss as what to do about the Freedom of the internet, it goes against their secret society that they have been brought up to believe in.