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iOS Developer Questions?? - Frostbit Yeti - 03-06-2014 04:10 AM

So I have already started making my app (I'm 17) and plan to actually publish it when I am 18 to pay for college, or have it under my parents name. But I have a few questions regarding things beyond my area of expertise.

Free app or paid? - I am planing on making an indie-type app, but do not know whether it would be an overall better experience if I made it paid or free w/ iAds and in app purchases.

Legal Jargon? - I'm definitely not a lawyer, so what should I worry about as far as copyrighting, trademarking, dev "companies" and those rights specific to them. Also, as far as making music, sprites etc, am I liable for any copyright infringement if I use photoshop to make a sprite versus say sketchbook or any other app?

"Company" - I see peoples names for their "company" a lot in the app store, but at the same time, other "studios" that may only be run by one person. If I was to create a pseudonym or other form of "company" would I have to separately copyright that too, or can I use it when publishing etc. regardless.

Obj C or C++? - I know C++ almost fluently and I know that iOS are usually coded in Obj C, but porting C++ over to java is far more do-able than having to re-write an entire game if i wanted to extend my app into the android market. Should I learn Obj C?

Potential Cost? - Aside from the $100 a year to have access to "Dev Stuff" and keep your app on the app store, will it cost anything more if I wanted to add Game Center capabilities etc? I already understand that it may cost money to pay for programs.

iAd? - how exactly do you add iAd banner capabilities to your app? I can't seem to find it on the internet.

Other notes: My cousin and I are making this app. Is there anything you would personally recommend to new developers? Personal experience based answers AND links are appreciated.

Thanks so much!

- Kaydell - 03-06-2014 04:19 AM

"So I have already started making my app (I'm 17) and plan to actually publish it when I am 18 to pay for college, or have it under my parents name. But I have a few questions regarding things beyond my area of expertise."

OK. I'll try my best to answer your questions, but keep in mind that I'm not an attorney either and that I've been a Mac business applications software engineer, not a game developer, but I have developed 3 simple iOS apps and had them on the iOS app store.

"Free app or paid? - I am planing on making an indie-type app, but do not know whether it would be an overall better experience if I made it paid or free w/ iAds and in app purchases."

I would say a free app, maybe 99 cents.

"Legal Jargon? - I'm definitely not a lawyer, so what should I worry about as far as copyrighting, "

For a legal copyright, you only need to put a copyright notice in your app, but there is a such thing as a "registered copyright" where you register a portion of your source code with the Federal government. Like I said, I'm not an attorney either, but these are some things to talk over with your legal adviser.

"...trademarking, dev "companies" and those rights specific to them."

First, I would try to find a dot-com, a Facebook name, a Twitter name, etc that isn't taken. You'd have to consult your legal adviser about getting a trademark.

"Also, as far as making music, sprites etc, am I liable for any copyright infringement if I use photoshop to make a sprite versus say sketchbook or any other app?"

You do need to honor the copyrights of others. Also be aware that even open-source resources are usually copyrighted and you only get a license. For some kinds of licenses, if you use their stuff, then you have to give your stuff back to the world. Public domain means free with no strings attached. Open source resources are copyrighted with strings attached. The various open-source licenses have varying degrees of "permissiveness".

""Company" - I see peoples names for their "company" a lot in the app store, but at the same time, other "studios" that may only be run by one person. If I was to create a pseudonym or other form of "company" would I have to separately copyright that too, or can I use it when publishing etc. regardless."

You can be a sole proprietor and use your own name in the app store. Just be sure to follow the law and use a separate bank account and get a business license to work out of your home if that is necessary in your city. You will have to keep your personal funds separate from your business funds and do book-keeping and accounting for your business funds.

If you want to be a sole-proprietor and have a company name, you would likely have to get a license from your state for "Doing Business As" (DBA).

There are other forms of business that you can organize as:

* Partnerships
* Limited Liability Companies
* Corporations

"Obj C or C++?"

Objective-C is the native language for developing iOS apps. You can also use C++ which is called Objective-C++. This could be helpful if you already have a lot of code written in C++ or if you already know C++, or if you want the C++ code to implement a model that can be used for other platforms.

Objective-C is required. C++ is optional on top of doing some Objective-C.

"I know C++ almost fluently and I know that iOS are usually coded in Obj C, but porting C++ over to java is far more do-able than having to re-write an entire game if i wanted to extend my app into the android market. Should I learn Obj C?"

You'll have to know Objective-C. Much of Objective-C and C++ are the same since they are both based on C.

"Potential Cost? - Aside from the $100 a year to have access to "Dev Stuff" and keep your app on the app store, will it cost anything more if I wanted to add Game Center capabilities etc? I already understand that it may cost money to pay for programs."

I paid $100 per year. I don't know about Game Center, but speaking of money, there are in-app purchases. You could give away your game for free to entice people to download it and then you could charge for extra features called an "in-app purchase". You asked about whether to charge for your app or to give it away for free. I would say to give it away for free and then make your money in in-app purchases.

"iAd? - how exactly do you add iAd banner capabilities to your app? I can't seem to find it on the internet."

I don't know. I'm not sure that iAd is worth the time to do.

"Other notes: My cousin and I are making this app. Is there anything you would personally recommend to new developers? Personal experience based answers AND links are appreciated."

You'll need to put in as much effort in marketing as you do in development.

iOS Marketing search on

"Thanks so much!"

You're welcome.

Remember to get legal advice from a qualified legal adviser. Find an attorney, maybe on Google Map reviews, that has a good reputation and find an attorney that you and your parents have good chemistry with.

- bcnu - 03-06-2014 04:31 AM

It's usually "better" if you only ask one question at a time!

You automatically own the copyright of your original creative work of authorship (i.e., the software), and only need to register copyright when you're going to sue in federal court.

Trademark: you need to do a clearance search before you start using a brand, so you can first see if anyone else is already using something similar in your field. Trademark registration in the USA is completely optional.

Domain names are not trademarks. Business names are not trademarks. If you want to register them, you must register them independently. You can, however, use them as trademarks if you choose, once you own the domain or business rights to them. Business name registration is an animal of state law, meaning they vary, but generally only need registration if you're not using your actual surname, or if you're creating a new entity (LLC, inc., etc).

Legal jargon: you would generally want to disclaim any liability for the use or inability to use your software, and usually include a limited warranty, among other things. You can optionally remind people who owns your copyright and trademark.