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My Dad yelled at me because I like KPOP? - Printable Version

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My Dad yelled at me because I like KPOP? - anonymous - 03-06-2014 07:14 AM

So I am not Korean, but I am asian. A 15 year old Asian girl that loves KPOP. I've been into this music for a while now and my dad had been noticing. I am a fangirl, not obsessed. I buy KPOP products when I can, and I am even an admin for an Instagram fanpage.

My dad does NOT like this.

When he saw me watching a music video, he got mad and said stuff like "This is the kind of thing I hate about you. What makes you think Koreans are better than your own kind? You're always degrading yourself to a lower level. How could you like them? Look at their face! How could you be influenced by them? Born and raised in America- etc etc."

The thing is, my dad thinks Koreans are INFLUENCING me. No they are not. Is it wrong to just have a different music taste?

Also, my brother who is 9, became a fan of kpop, and when my dad heard him talk to me about kpop, my dad says I'm always a bad influence.

What am I supposed to do??
What do I tell my dad?
And why does kpop bother him??

- Victoria - 03-06-2014 07:25 AM

I'm half asian and I like listening to both Kpop and Jpop. The Kpop side of me really doesn't matter since I'm half korean but when it comes to Jpop my mother, who's korean, doesn't like it either. But, it's my hobby to listen to the kind of music I like and it really your parents opinion really shouldn't matter. Just don't tell your dad anything and just do what you like to do, listen to kpop. If you dad was japanese I'm pretty sure why he doesn't like kpop but if he isn't japanese I'm not sure why.

- turquoiseshadow - 03-06-2014 07:27 AM

I'm not Asian, but i listen to Kpop. My mom has gotten mad at me for liking it too, and i have been in similar situations. I also have a kpop insta fanpage ( that my mom doesn't know about). I have tried to tell my mom i am not crazy obsessed, though she thinks i am. I kind of understand what your dad and my parents are trying to say.They want you to grow in your own culture. If you want to, you can try to explain to him that you are not being INFLUENCED by it, and you just listen to it for the unique music. If you don't want to, thats fine too. Sometimes saying nothing is best. Good Luck! Fighiting~

- Xiaolei - 03-06-2014 07:43 AM

Whoa. It's like reading my own questions. =O

JK Wink But my parents abhor Kpop as well and I have to say the best way to settle things is to just talk to them about it. Have a discussion on the elements of Kpop and why you enjoy it the way you do. He can in turn tell you why he dislikes it. The biggest reason is probably that he feels it is a bigger part of your life than it should be.

Obviously, you and I both know that Kpop is a lot more than just music and that can be a big annoyance to people around you. It starts seeping into conversations, your music channels, and since you run an Instagram, I assume you look at a lot of photos. For parents who aren't into the stuff, it can be a bit much. He might even be worried that you are spending too much time on it.

Going on to the more serious stuff, I guess it would depend on what ethnicity you are, but my parents are Chinese and they have a lot to say about "those Koreans and their plastic surgery" They seriously HATE the boybands. "Ugliest girls alive" according to my dad. (Cultural stereotypes may show.) Kpop is also highly produced and easily comes off as fake and flashy to outsiders.

I think you should always remind yourself (and your dad) that Kpop is all in good fun and that nobody is influencing anybody. It's something you like and there's no shame in that. Especially if it interests you. Good luck and I wish you the best! =)