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D**khead ex friend.. What would you do?!? - Printable Version

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D**khead ex friend.. What would you do?!? - dhkm3939 - 03-06-2014 09:43 AM

So I've known this guy for like 3 years. We dated a bit when we first met but have just been friends ever since. Over time, I've lent him money and he's had other girlfriends and during that time, he has still "hung out" with me and afterwards i'd find out he still had a girlfriend. He has treated me so badly and i've gotten to the point (and this is going to sound stupid) where i've wanted to block him from facebook but i just haven't been able to do it.
The thing is, now (for some reason) he has blocked me and it actually makes me really angry that he got to do it and i didn't do it when i had the chance. I know it's just facebook and it's stupid but i kinda feel like he got the last laugh.
Even though all i've ever done is help him and i've never said anything to his current girlfriend or any of his past girlfriends about us so i don't know why he has gone and done it now.
What i feel like doing is messaging his girlfriend to tell her what he's really like. That's something very immature and i would never normally do anything like that but i feel like enough is enough and it's not fair he gets away with being an absolute dick!
What would you do?! I've also got a pair of his boxers and undies he left behind last time i saw him.. I'm tempted to txt him and say something like "So did you want your boxers & undies back.. should i throw them out or do you want me to ask your girlfriend?" and see what he says... What i'd also really like to say to him is something like "Guess i'm never getting any of the $800 you still owe me" .
What i'll most likely end up doing is just letting it go because he's so not worth it but part of me realllllllly wants to say something after all this time!!
I have actually tried to get the money from him before with friendly txt reminders but nothing has come from it. Might just send him one last text and then let it go and forget about it if nothing happens! You're so right MiX (below).. KARMA KARMA KARMA

- Brando Arroyo - 03-06-2014 09:47 AM

Lol text text him the do you still want your boxers and the money thing I would still tell his gf if you guys did things they deserve to know wouldn't you?

- ♫MiX♫ - 03-06-2014 10:02 AM

First, throw away his Tighty whiteys A S A P !!!!
holding on to them will make him feel like u still somewhat care.

Causing drama , and sticking ur nose in his new relationships Is very immature,
u will look a little psycho also.
he can always tell them ur just a Obsessed EX, or fling that is just Trying to
ruin his love life cuz he dumped u or somethin, and he will again have the last laugh.
that will cause problems u dont really need, ur right he Aint worth it.

He Will Get His Karma. Believe me he will get it.

be the bigger , better civil person - that does not play games
by using social media , Come on now?
i kno u are not in high school still, right?

re: the 800 bux
if u want to try n get it back,Be as respectful and polite as u can be,
(cuz , after all , u do want that money Back , right ? )
Say "just reminding u about the $800 bill u have with me lol id like to resolve this
as soon as u can.

do not try to get any last laugh! that is foolish!

be Classy , Smart, Nice, and DO not EVEn let him know that you
know he Blocked u on the site.
act like u didnt even notice, and if u did,
u can care less.
u just want the money he owes.

if he sees that "blocking u" gets any reaction , or it bothered u,
then he will feel he has succeeded .

Move on after u get ur money, seriously.
this guy is not worth not one more split second of Your precious time.

good luck

Xo X o