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I know that everyone doesn't like me? - Samantha - 03-06-2014 01:41 PM

I guess I sound really selfish with that title, and all 'woe is me,' but I do feel like everyone, even some family members, don't like me. I'll start out with people at the high school

Back in elementary school, a lot of people teased me. For me being a little kid, I didn't know how to speak up for myself, and I'm ashamed to say it, but I threatened those kids that I would kill myself. I even attempted it on the playground. I'm extremely ashamed to say it. I did say some 'out of the ball park' things when I was a kid. I was eventually diagnosed with major depressive disorder in junior high. In high school, my freshman and sophomore year, I came to realize that some people stood me up, some people looked at me like I was weird, some people were nice to me, some people acted like they were better than me, and some people kinda tried to avoid me. For what reasons I really don't know, I act normal, I'm really girly and charismatic. Some people have told me to start hanging around people, and that's almost impossible. The only group I've ever been accepted by are the group I grew out of, and most of those people are in the same predicament I'm in. I've tried out for drama club, didn't make the part, no one there talked to me or anything, so I quit a while later. I'm in A Capella choir, I made a few friends in there, but no one that I could really hang out with out of school, because they're busy. I'm in Academic Challenge, and I made a friend there that just graduated and moved out of my town to go to college. Even her best friend doesn't like me. I'm unable to participate in sports because of my heart condition. I do have two supposed 'best friends,' but they don't even invite me anywhere, and when I invite them places, they're busy, and I know that the one doesn't like me, because of past situations.

For the family part, I have a cousin named Samantha that doesn't even treat me like a cousin. I have a grandmother that I live with that puts me down, doesn't let me do dishes because apparently I don't do them right, doesn't let me cook much, except for what I know how to cook, and doesn't even bother to teach me. Anything I do cook right, she acts jealous, because she brags about Samantha and her baking, and how much better Samantha did in school than me.

I have the wish of moving to Las Vegas and leaving everyone behind, except my mother, who's really the only one supportive of me, when I turn 19.

I know I sound like I'm feeling sorry for myself, but really I guess I have a reason to. No one is really close to me, and the ones I try to get close to push me away.

What do I do?

- Sarah Johnson - 03-06-2014 01:44 PM

Thats a hard situation.. Maybe instead of wasting your energy on those people.. When you move to las vegas start over and make new, real friends.

- Sophie-Lou ♥ - 03-06-2014 01:56 PM

You need to stand up for yourself, let your hair down & stop caring what people think,
Ask your 'best friends' if they have a problem with you and if they do, what is it?
Tell your grandma that your living together and you want to share the responsibilty of cooking because its only fair, next time she refuses you to do the dishes say 'well ill cook tomorrow then' and take turns so she knows your capable.

Start a new hobby like the gym or start going clubbing - eventually you will find new friends that dont care about your past and dont even judge you for it because they dont know.

And this Samantha, start talking to her - and when Grandma starts bragging about Sam, join in - say 'Yes she did fantastic in school didnt she? we both have a lot in common' big yourself up, you need to prove to your family that you ARE somebody and when they realise how horrible they have been to you, they will grow up. Its not you that needs to change, its them.

- zesty - 03-06-2014 01:58 PM

I guess the only thing to do is try to wait until you can make it to lasvegas or were ever you wanted to go. If I had as much trouble as you making friends I would totally feel down in the dumps too. You seem pretty out of hope and depressed. The only thing you can do is keep trying to make friends until you can leave the town your in and start over again. Why don't you just try to live with your mom if your grandma hates you so much.

- Leah T - 03-06-2014 02:10 PM

That must be hard. Start to talk with anybody in your school that's by them self. If they don't seem to think you're 'cool' and whatnot, don't show that you care. Keep talking. You'll eventually make a friend. Join Facebook and/or Twitter to boost your chance at making friends. If someone doesn't like you, say oh well. Get some confidence and stand up for yourself. Don't care what people think.

Your Grandma seems a little hard on you. Maybe she's trying to push you to do your best. Maybe you've been lacking confidence. At least you don't have to do the dishes(that's a good thing). Talk to your grandma about what you're going through. She might just understand.

And for your cousin. Cousins are cousins. My cousins and I fight. Talk to her. Ask her why she doesn't seem to like you? Hug it out.

Good luck!

- Braedon - 03-06-2014 02:20 PM

You know, you sound a lot like a girl I know that used to go to my school before something happened to her (she had an eating disorder through anxiety). I had a HUGE crush on her and when she left the school I took it out on the people who essentially caused it to happen. So I understand how you feel.
Many teenagers take social stuff to seriously. In grade 9, I was like that. I needed lots of friends and thought that hanging out with people cooler than me would in turn make me cool. Luckily, this year I realized that pretty much EVERYBODY cool is a total douche. So, I hang out with a few of the minority kids in my school and am happy. Why? Because I stopped caring about my place socially. You should try it. Worry about yourself, not others. It may sound selfish, but trust me, it makes life a WHOLE lot easier.
As for your cousin, don't worry about that. My cousins want to be orthodontists, architects, pediatricians and other things that are better than being a teacher, my future career. They often rub it in my face, but I know that I am (much) smarter (and probably more arrogant) then they are so I sluff it off and will wait until they fail med school twice and end up working at McDonald's. That is just how I make myself feel better. Just realize that you are better then 'Samantha' and your problems will disappear. It worked for me.
Finally, with your grandmother, all grandmothers do that. Heck, even my mom does that. She'll yell at my dad and say, "You can't do the dishes, you don't do them right!" I am 16 and was not allowed to touch the stove until I took a cooking course at my school. Now my mom STILL only lets me make grilled cheese. It's sad, but grandparents and even mothers take their cooking and cleaning very seriously. It might be personal, but your grandmother is old, and old people tend to favor ONE of their grand kids for reasons that are not under your control. For example, one of my grandmothers lives at my aunts house and favors my cousins that live there. I don't blame her. On the other side, though, I am my grandmothers favorite grandson. It just works that way.
And whatever you do, DO NOT move to Vagas. Highest murder rate in the US, lots of white trash and other 'undesirables' live there. Don't go, there are not many good jobs there unless you like to strip or serve drinks. Trust me, stay where you are, and take my advice. It makes life better.

Oh, and by the way, I am usually a troll. Kudos in making me answer a question for real.

- 092 - 03-06-2014 02:33 PM

I can say that i DONT know how you feel EXACTLY but my grandma is like that to.... even my cusin who i trust is always puttin me down. I understand why u feel like ur being selfish....I would too. I'm 13 and had to move from "big city" to "ghetto smallville" because of extreme bullying... Here my family wont accept me and apparently kids think im "the shit" but where i use to live, my family envied my "uniqueness" and kids at skool avoided me.... All i can say is just hold ur head up high and try ur best to ignore those people. Show them ur better then that.! Trust me, I fell, 3 times, and they loved it, so dont do that. They would kill to see it. People like that dont deserve u. I believe in u. "hold ur head up until u can move to Las Vegas. Big Grin ur my inspiration now.!

- ZyeRouges - 03-06-2014 02:49 PM

You may be trying to hang out with or impress the wrong people. Look at the artwork on display in your school and talk to the people who did the works you like; think up an idea for a talent show act and track down the people you need to work with you even if you know them only by reputation. Check out the guys who are "nerds" -- the smart ones who don't seem interested in girls. The fact is, they may be very happy to talk with a girl, period. Find people who like whatever music you do and talk with them about it. Whatever passions you have, make them known, so people with similar tastes can find you. Remember, you don't have to smoke weed to hang with stoners; they run the gamut, from being losers to being unrecognized geniuses, and many are friendly by nature. Check out the people who wear studs and chains; some very nice people look intimidating. Mainly, don't worry about how the people you fit with make you look to the people you wish you fit with, the ones who think they're doing you a favor by letting you tag along.
Look at the lyrics to Janis Ian's, "At Seventeen". You're far from alone.