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Pages: 1 2's the problem with Phil Robertson? - Charlie - 03-06-2014 04:08 PM

I come from a Christian background and personally think that gays should be able to be married since the Constitution is a secular document and it's not my place to tell people who they can't get married to based on my religion that they may or may not believe in. Here's the problem with Phil Robertson though..he could have just said he considers homosexuality a sin. However, he went overboard by saying he doesn't understand why a man would be attracted to an "anus" (he apparently doesn't understand what being gay means you're not attracted to "vaginas") and he implied that you're not a real man if you're gay. He also made the dreaded connection between bestiality and homosexuality.
Instead of just saying "I disagree with homosexuality", he tore it to shreads unnecessarily. I think Christians need to stop targeting homosexuality. They have elevated this sin to the level of worst of all.There are many other sins, like gluttony.

- Steven - 03-06-2014 04:21 PM

Well, to be fair to Phil, he didn't just shoot himself in the foot with antigay remarks. He also manged to target his other foot with racist remarks.

- Trixie - 03-06-2014 04:30 PM

Actually the part about him not understanding what is attractive about a man's anus and a woman's vagina being more attractive, I did not find that offensive at all. It's just how a straight man feels. Gay men don't think vaginas are all that appealing. The part about sin and the part about how gay people are ruining the country is the offensive part.

The offensive thing about calling homosexuality a sin is that you are implying it's something they need to give up. You are saying they need to give up love and sex and romance, which is WAY different from saying someone needs to give up getting drunk or stop stealing or stop lying.

- HULKAMANIAC - 03-06-2014 04:35 PM

gluttony for anus' is the worst kind IMO



- Bryce - 03-06-2014 04:47 PM

Well he didn't exactly compare it to bestiality. He mentioned it as one of several sexual sins including "sleeping with this woman". If he compared homosexuality to bestiality, then he also compared it to heterosexuality...

- Creation Detective - 03-06-2014 05:02 PM

Phil has the right to say what he did.That's his opinion and if you don't like that's too bad.

- Jennifer N - 03-06-2014 05:14 PM

Check this out Charlie, coming from a Christian background doesn' t by any means make you a Christian.

If one is a true Christian he must speak the truth and the truth is, Homosexuality is an abomination to the Lord. If we as Christians condone homosexuality and gay marriages, we are helping to send people to Hell. The Bible does say that certain things shall not enter into Heaven, if you remember correctly. Sodom and Gomorrah was destroyed because of such sin. It doesn't really matter what you or I believe about certain things, it's what Gods Word says that matters.

- Brittany - 03-06-2014 05:18 PM

I completely agree with you. The only reason I'm not getting worked up about what he said is because I'm focusing on all these so called Christians that agree with him. Every time I get on Twitter I see some one tweet #IStandWithPhil. If you stand with Phil's opinion, not his freedom of speech or whatever these people are arguing about, then you're ignorant. If you want to call homosexuality a sin, then you need to realize that homophobia is a sin too. It goes against every loving thing Jesus ever taught, and it's stemmed in ignorance and your own bigotry. Don't claim that all sin is equal and then focus on one thing that was never a sin to begin with.

Edit: Jennifer N is a perfect example of believing in what the Bible "reads", but not what it really means. Abomination when used in the Bible means against the ritual/tradition of the Jews. It does not mean morally wrong or unnatural. She's also ignoring the fact that Jesus himself said that the sin of Sodom & Gomorrah was that the men weren't being kind or welcoming to strangers...if you remember correctly.

- E - 03-06-2014 05:22 PM

here is the problem with your rant...homosexual men desire anus over vagina...and he explained that fact very well.......and bestiality is one step from homosexuality as is pedophilia and objectum sexuality....they ALL are perversion from the natural........and Phil was asked a question and his opinion and He gave it by the same RIGHT you have to post your ignorance i just shredded...YOUR WELCOME !!!

- Judy - 03-06-2014 05:27 PM

Regardless of what you think about gay marriage, marriage is a religious institution and should be left to religious institutions to administer. Let governments administer civil unions to everyone, gay or straight. Face it - most people want the wedding, not so much a religious ceremony.

Gays could be "wedded partners" or "wedded couples". Forget the marriage argument.