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can anyone check my english errors? - Printable Version

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can anyone check my english errors? - Sebastian G - 03-06-2014 07:16 PM

like most of you, I am 50% google user, I use it for everything there and use youtube all the time, my other half is facebook, now for past 4 years I been using facebook and since then I never feel uncomfortable with my privicy because we share what we want to share and what we dont,we simple dont share it, now google is always traking everybody, and what it's worst is the ads, remeber the time youtube used to be good, today youtube is full of ads and vevo and all since google bought it, facebook is very very discrete with their ads and I believe they actually don't bother at all so let it be that way, I love facebook even if the chat doesnt work too well lately.

i need someone to correct my errors ^^ please because i know i make a lot of timing and syntax errors please someone help me with this, of course am not english native speaker
I thank you all for your help but i choose percolactive ,thank you very much you really did an awesome job here thanks and i am gonna click on best answer once the botton apear
yeah that guy is a scumbag motherf**ker, if i could I would give you points as well

- Percolactive - 03-06-2014 07:21 PM

If you mean correct that paragraph You wrote above then sure.

Like most of you, I am 50% Google user. I use it for everything. I also use Youtube all the time, My other half is Facebook.

For the past four years, I have been using Facebook, and since then, I have never felt uncomfortable with My privacy. I would say this mostly because, We share what we want to, it's simple.

Google is always tracking everybody. The worst part of that is, "advertisements".
I remember the time when Youtube used to be really good, but that has changed for sure. It is now filled with advertisements.
Facebook however, is very discreet with their advertisements. I believe that they don't really bother me at all, so I just let it be that way.

I also love the chat system on Facebook. Sometimes it doesn't work to well though.

hope thats okay.
also when theres a blank space it means a new paragraph.

- bonda - 03-06-2014 07:31 PM

Like most of you, I am a 50% Google user. I use it for everything there is and I use youtube all the time. My other half is Facebook. Now for the past 4 years I have been using Facebook and since then I have never felt uncomfortable with my privicy because we share what we want to share, and what we don't,we simply don't share it. Now Google is always tracking everybody, and the worst is the ads. Remember the time Youtube was ad free? Today Youtube and Vevo is full of ads, ever since Google bought it. Facebook is very very discrete with their ads and I believe they actually don't bother at all, so let it be that way. I love Facebook even if the chat doesnt work too well lately.

My corrections arn't perfect but I hope I helped. (:

- NOT - 03-06-2014 07:37 PM

Like most of you, I spend half my time on Google. I use it for everything, and I use YouTube often as well. I spend the other half of my time on Facebook, which I have been using for the last four years. I never feel that my privacy is violated because we, as social networkers, share what we want to share and keep private what we don't. Now Google is tracking everybody, and the worst of it is the ads. Remember when YouTube used to be better? Today YouTube is full of ads, just like Vevo since Google bought it. Facebook is very, very discrete with their ads, and I'm not bothered at all. I love Facebook even if the chat was created by some scumbag motherf**ker who will someday burn in Hell.


- Jaime - 03-06-2014 07:42 PM

Like most of you, I am a 50% Google user; I use it for everything, along with Youtube, all the time. My other half is Facebook. For the past 4 years, I've been using Facebook, and since then I always feel comfortable with my privacy because we share what we want to and don't share what we don't want to. Google is always tracking everybody, and what's worst is the ads. Remember when Youtube used to be good? Today Youtube is full of ads and Vevo, and all because Google bought it. Facebook is very discrete with their ads, and they don't really bother me at all so let it be. I love Facebook, even if the chat hasn't been working too well lately.

There you go. I hope I helped.

- C.N. - 03-06-2014 07:55 PM

Like most of you, I'm an advent user of Google. I use this search engine for all of my searches. I'm also a frequent user of YouTube and Facebook. I've used Facebook for four years, and never once have I felt uncomfortable about my privacy. We can share what we wish and refrain from what we don't. Now, Google is making this information available and tracking everybody. And it's all ad supported. YouTube has become overrun with ads and Vevo, now that it has been purchased by Google. Facebook is very discreet with their ads, and they don't bother me at all. All sites should follow Facebook's example. I love Facebook, even though chat doesn't always work.

I would worry more about your layout and content than your grammar. Your thoughts aren't very organized. Hope this helps!