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how to become beauty guru on youtube? - Printable Version

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how to become beauty guru on youtube? - potato - 03-07-2014 02:24 AM

ok, i really want to become a beauty guru and get paid for my videos but im not sure how, im getting a good camera for christmas and i want tips, what videos? how to get paid? how to get famous blah blah blah Wink

- john - 03-07-2014 02:32 AM

Work hard. It takes a LOT of time. A long time!
And money doesn't come for at least a year or longer. But stay consistent, upload popular videos that YOU would enjoy watching.
EDIT YOUR VIDEOS! And don't just half ass it, actually edit- it will take 4x longer than it took to film the video, and if it doesn't then something is wrong.
Make thumbnails that will draw people in (can only do this with monetized videos and if your account has been active for a few months)
Also, monetizing means DO NOT use copyrighted music. Use music from iMovie or you can download stuff from links below

Do not do it for the money or you will not be satisfied, do it because you love makeup- and upload all kinds of videos like vlogs and tags and some makeup reviews and tutorials.
I like variety in a channel, because someone doesn't just sit in their house all day doing makeup so I like to see more of that person.
Network! Get a twitter, get followers with similar interests, and posts your videos there. Promote on your instagram and get followers that would be interested and hashtag hashtag hashtag!
Then I love finding people that I think might like my videos, or I like their videos and sending them a personal message asking if they wanna be friends and support each others channels.
Make friends, collaborate & have fun!


- Alexis - 03-07-2014 02:47 AM

I would create your channel now and start making your channel appealing. Its really important to be yourself but don't be the type of person who just talks in the same monotone voice all the time. Mix things up a little, do different types of videos like hauls, tutorials, tags...also interact with your subscribers and BECOME friends with other beauty gurus. I cannot say enough how important it is to be friends with other youtubers, they will support you and help you along with your journey on YouTube. If people you know find out and bully you don't stress and ignore them, life goes on. Also you can update whenever you want but i recommend once every other week (twice a month) or more if you can. editing should take about an hour or so if your video is like 5 minutes long longer can take a really long time. You will get subscribers when you first start don't worry if you stay at like 20 subscribers for like 2 months because people will notice you someday. Also its important when you do get more popular or whenever to become a partner. Style Haul,full screen, etc are just a few partnership companies that i would recommend looking at. I personally would do style haul, they have a good reputation. They send you a certain amount of money every month or so depending on how much traffic you send to them and how your videos do based on veiws and stuff. Also have a little skill at least in the makeup department and know what your doing. I mean you're going to be lost the first year or so doing videos, i am cause im just starting out. You will be surprised how many people who live near you and you have talked to before make videos i know of at least 3 a few are themakeupbydanielle and stylebyjules. Also don't spam their videos but you can go ahead and message them because vid spamming is so annoying. And lastly i cannot stress enough to not do it just for the famousness because if that's just it then don't even think about making one, also when you make your channel add as many NEW BEAUTY GURU'S as possible because one day these older beauty gurus will be well...old and a new age of beauty gurus will be dominating the web. In 3 or 4 years their will be a whole new age of beauty gurus and beauty guru friends and stuff so its really important to become friends with as many people as possible. Thats all good luck Smile