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Is this guy a psychopath? He was a "quiet one"? - Printable Version

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Is this guy a psychopath? He was a "quiet one"? - alekstra - 03-07-2014 04:09 AM

There was a fight at my school on Friday. It was this very smart kid. He's cool and stuff. He's not that social, but everyone knows who he is. He got into a fight with this swagf@g guy who thinks he runs sh*t. He was calling him names for no reason. The smart kid is named Trevor. The swag guy is justin. Justin was calling Trevor names, and took his backpack. Trevor snapped all of a sudden. He was going crazy! He's not that skinny nerdy type. He looks like he works out a little. But yeah, he got hit like 3 times, and knocked to the ground, but kept laughing and taunting justin. He's like, very good at name calling, calling Justin a low-level parasite who will have 5 kids and will be on welfare by 20.

And other names that I can't remember. He was telling justin he wansnt hitting him that hard since he wanted him to stay alive and not get knocked out. He was holding him by a headlock, and told him that he chose to provoke a superior being to him, and that now he can't get out. Also telling him that any second he wanted to, he could snap his neck, or puncture his eye sockets with his thumbs.

The way he said it if he was crazy. He was saying that he felt this rage rushing all through this body, up ad down, and that he was glad that someone messed with him, so he could use him as an excuse to release all his stored in anger. He was like talking to him. And he said that he wasn't the reason he had all this rage, that no one was, and thät no one has abused him or anything. Then he punched his stomach, and said h didn't mean to do that, he just "had urge or something". Then he released him and told him to fight him. He went crazy on him again, telling him that his rage was fading away, but that he needed to regain it. He also took Justin's shirt and hat, and then stomped on them in the mud, and kicked justin.

Then he told him "never, EVER, mess with someone who is superior to you in every way, you low class parasite piece of worthless trash. People like you belong in zoo's, as entertainment purposes for us intellectually superior people. Now go take pictures of your bloody abs that couldn't saw your dumbass, and then say hashtag swag. It was a mistake for your parents to perpetuate your worthless DNA into this world"

- runwithme. - 03-07-2014 04:25 AM

I guess Justin learned his lesson of bullying, and will probably never mess with Trevor again. He got what he deserves.

I don't think Trevor is crazy, I think he just did a really good job of standing up for himself. Sometimes bullies need to be bullied to make them stop. Of course, Trevor probably could've turned it down a few notches, though. Some teenage guys usually are easily angered with all their hormones raging through them, so people should be careful of how they treat other people.

Being quiet doesn't make someone a psychopath, just fyi.

- Ann - 03-07-2014 04:28 AM

I think you mean psychotic, not psychopath. But no, not a psychopath. His rage was triggered by the bullying. It was over the top, but not a psychotic rage.

- Thomas - 03-07-2014 04:44 AM

I think it's difficult to judge someone by how they act when they get into a fight. People get upset for different reasons. Every person is different. There are different conditions that can look similar - fetal alcohol syndrome, psychosis, PTSD or someone could just have an explosive temper. The only reason to put labels on people is to know how to bill the insurance company.

About half of a percent of the population could be considered sociopaths, that's about one out of every 200 people, so it is fairly common. Less than one percent but still enough to be concerned about. People like that are best stayed after from. Just don't have any contact with them. The only time they feel alive is when they set the drapes on fire. They enjoy hurting other people.

From your description of Trevor and Justin getting into a fight, that doesn't really provide much useful information. That is just behavior, not the underlying reasons or motivations. All behavior is a form of communication.

- Yeti - 03-07-2014 04:56 AM

Especially this single instance doesn't show that he's a "psychopath." And being quiet doesn't really mean anything for that anyway. It sounds like this was more a response by Trevor to Justin's excessive bullying. Sometimes people simply try to handle such things in a civilized manner, and when it doesn't work, they can sort of snap and their "self-defense" can go excessive and over the top. Sooooo, a bit of an excessive response, and the kind of thing that happens when bullying persists and nothing civilized gets done about it. But no, Trevor the quiet kid isn't a psychopath based on this. The psychopath is far more often the persistent bully, who lacks empathy for others, and just gets their kicks making others suffer. And unfortunately sometimes the only way to get such behavior to stop is to match or exceed it. We just normally like to have objective legal systems for matching or exceeding things (and do it via handcuffs, jail, etc.).

- Brandi - 03-07-2014 05:04 AM

That's what Justin gets for spitting on people and speeding in his Ferrari