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I get bullied at school everyday what should I do??????????????????????????????????????? - Printable Version

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I get bullied at school everyday what should I do??????????????????????????????????????? - beca - 03-07-2014 05:02 PM

So I've been getting bullied ever since I entered the new school in G6, once I was leaking because I had my period and it was super embarassing because everybody thought it was shit and once I had a crush on a teacher and one girl found out and told everyone and all of them thought that I'm a loser. Now I'm in G12 and I still get bullied I don't know what to do by now all of you might think that I should be brave enough to stand up for myself by now but no they'll hit me so hard! What should I do?

- Jessica - 03-07-2014 05:11 PM

i have been bullied all my life, and all you need to do is tell someone, a friend, teacher, parent or just a trusted adult! Dont worry theyre only bitches bc theyve got bullied or have theyre own problems. if this isnt necessary for my just dont react, like if they call you names dont comeback, just sit there. oh and the worst thing to do is to cry, just. sit. there!

- Venus - 03-07-2014 05:14 PM

Bullies are the bane of human existence and they come in all kinds of flavors, from the social media pariahs to the assault and battery abusers. You are going to have to learn coping mechanisms for yourself, because as much as I would like to say that they go away, they don't. That said, despite years of being bullied, I have never been the instigator of a physical altercation. Every bully is different. Some you can ignore. Some will require you to end friendships in order to protect yourself. (do not be friends with a bully) There are some bullies who like to get you when you are alone, so traveling with a group is safest. Remember this though: If you were an adult and a person walked up to you and punched you or hurt you in any way, that is considered assault & battery and those people would go to jail. The same thing applies to teenagers. Never ever put up with people hurting you physically. Tell the adults in your life and don't shut up about it. The only person you have control over is you, so take control, lean on your true friends, and find people who will be in your corner.