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Why are my facebook photos covering up the album name? - Printable Version

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Why are my facebook photos covering up the album name? - Tina C - 03-07-2014 06:58 PM

I recently changed a personal page i was using for business to a business page on Facebook. Lost all my photos in the process. I am now uploading them again but in my album area, you can see the album, but the photos are bigger than the area given and are covering up the name of the album, and the ability to edit albums. Do I have to resize my pics? Or is this a FB glitch? Wishing I would have just left it alone.. Sad
Here's a link to the page with the issue. You'll see the photos, but can't see the name of albums.
Thanks for any help.

- pri✍ - 03-07-2014 07:08 PM

It looks normal to me. Maybe your FB just don't work find with you. Try clean you cache, log out reboot/restart your device, then log in.