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Just teenage issues or something more serious? - Printable Version

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Just teenage issues or something more serious? - Sophie - 03-07-2014 10:54 PM

Hi, I'm a sixteen year old girl. The past few months haven't felt right. Maybe even the whole of 2013 felt like that. I will start at the beginning of that year. I was just out of my first ever relationship. It had only lasted eight months but I was really into the guy and we were really close. I broke it off with him because I was getting jealous when he spoke to other girls which made our relationship stressful and made me think I would be better off single. The first few months were good. I met a great group of friends and ended up with another boyfriend (nothing serious) which I regret a lot. Anyway in April I went to a concert and saw my ex. It made me incredibly sad, and coupled with the fact that I was almost on my period and my pms makes me really upset, I was pretty shaken up. It sounds melodramatic but I couldn't get myself out of bed for like a week. I broke it off with the new guy and texted my ex. We let summer pass while we thought about getting back together. When he told me in august that he didn't want to "hurt me again" I knew he hadn't realised that us breaking up wasn't all his fault so when he came back a few days later and said he changed his mind, I felt like it would be best to say no. So we went our separate ways. I got on with life. Went out with friends, spoke to more people. I even spoke to a couple of guys I liked but as soon as the possibility of a relationship came up I lost interest. I don't know why. Anyway, I've started missing my ex a lot recently but he is with another girl and has been since October. I'm really upset about it, I know I should move on and I've been trying since august. I don't have his number and I'm not friends with him on Facebook. I don't miss our relationship, I know it was flawed and could have been much better. I just miss him. He was the best friend ive ever had. Not only that but these past few months have just been a blur. I feel like I'm just going through the motions. I go to school, come home, study, watch tv, go to bed... Repeat. I go out with friends and when I do I have a laugh and stuff. But as soon as I'm alone I feel really low. Falling asleep is difficult now. I used to drop off in minutes and now I'm awake for hours. I dont know why I feel like this, or what I even feel like. I feel alone I guess. And I don't see a point in anything anymore. I would say I'm depressed but I still laugh and have fun with people so does that mean I'm not? Sorry about the length of this, I guess I just need to vent. Any advice about any of this is welcome. Also, is this just hormones and stuff or something worse? Thanks

- DOC - 03-07-2014 10:55 PM

When a person reaches puberty his behaviour starts to be strange, one moment you are sad, and all of a sudden you get a sudden boost of happiness, and then again, you're sad. This is nothing to worry about but rather something you should endure until you exit puberty.

- Jenny - 03-07-2014 11:07 PM

What you are experiencing sounds like just being a teenager.

Not to say it isn't difficult.

Its good to hear that you have some sense and understanding,

Instead of assuming you are depressed,

You take hormones and age into account.

These years are a battle.

I suggest writing your feelings and goals on paper.

Also positive self affermations. Daily.

Try to keep a strict nightly routine,

It will help you sleep better.

But if the problem persists, see a doctor about some short-term medication.

Keep things in perspective,

Your doing good.