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True / false questions social science .. please answer? - Printable Version

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True / false questions social science .. please answer? - nora - 03-07-2014 11:18 PM

1)The speedup of technological progress led to a chain of revolutionary changes that have profoundly transformed our societies.

2) The factory system became the basis of industrialism when it was discovered that specialization and division of labor were especially efficient ways of organizing production.

3)The Industrial Revolution began as a result of a violent upheaval in the American colonies.

4)Diffusion occurs when change results from the violence used by people whose government has ceased to respond to their needs.

5) Random events and acts of individuals have no impact on social change in societies.

6) Computer-driven technologies are reversing the previous industrial system of production because they make it possible to produce small runs of customized goods and services aimed at specific markets.

7)Collective behavior is relatively unpatterned and unstructured.

8) Social movements are much more likely to emerge during periods of rapid social change.

9) A scattered collection of people who share a common interest or concern about an issue or who are affected by a common occurrence is the definition of a public.

10) Reform movements try to change some feature of an existing social order, while revolutionary movements seek its total destruction.

- Erryn B - 03-07-2014 11:24 PM

1)The speedup of technological progress led to a chain of revolutionary changes that have profoundly transformed our societies. - true: The world has changed more in the last 150 years than the previous 1000.

2) The factory system became the basis of industrialism when it was discovered that specialization and division of labour were especially efficient ways of organizing production. true - industrialization allowed non-landowners to leave rural life and begin their own wealth acquisition

3)The Industrial Revolution began as a result of a violent upheaval in the American colonies. True - colonialism could no longer be counted on as a source of wealth

4)Diffusion occurs when change results from the violence used by people whose government has ceased to respond to their needs. True - look at Iran: not just the election but the fact that inflation is running over 20%, people can no longer accept what they could before

5) Random events and acts of individuals have no impact on social change in societies. False - the Death of the Archduke Ferdinand is commonly held as one of the triggers for the first world war; Hitler's antisemitism fed into a country of discontent; the assassination of JFK changed the direction of the Vietnam War

6) Computer-driven technologies are reversing the previous industrial system of production because they make it possible to produce small runs of customized goods and services aimed at specific markets. True - publishers can do runs of small numbers of books where that used to be unprofitable; if we produce to demand, we can cut waste in the world

7)Collective behaviour is relatively unpatterned and unstructured. False - very rarely do a group of people suddenly react for no reason; psychological swarm theory can account for how crowds will react

8) Social movements are much more likely to emerge during periods of rapid social change. True - when the economy is growing steadily at a relatively comfortable rate, employment is good and the politicians are staying out of trouble, you can count on relative calm

9) A scattered collection of people who share a common interest or concern about an issue or who are affected by a common occurrence is the definition of a public. False - the shared interest or concern is not required to have a public

10) Reform movements try to change some feature of an existing social order, while revolutionary movements seek its total destruction. True - small, incremental changes are great for fixing fixable issues but the big changes (like liberating women in Afghanistan), nothing short of revolution is gong to work (and even then, to change such ingrained ideas as women being second class citizens, time is also needed)

NOTE - 3 and 9 are the two I'm not convinced of as I could make good arguments either way