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Should I tell him I like him or has the moment passed? - Printable Version

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Should I tell him I like him or has the moment passed? - classicfun8 - 03-08-2014 01:44 AM

I met this guy through a friend of mine. We initially hit off and ended up communicating daily through texts, phone calls, Facebook etc. Eventually we went on a couple of dates and he told me that he decided he wasn't in a place to be with anyone right now. Fair enough, we never even kissed so I was able to move on fairly quickly and still hang out with him and his friends. Well about a month ago he through a series of texts over the course of a few days/couple of weeks started making suggestive comments about him still thinking about us in sexual ways. I entertained it farther than I should have but ended it by saying that I wasn't looking for a friends with benefits thing and he said he knew that and respected me to much to let that happen. But the conversation still sort of went that way until I was finally like, please do me a favor and stop talking about us in that way. He said "okay" and then it got further complicated a few days later when I made few off handed sexual comments to him through texts (not directed at him…and I do that with my friends…like I'm gonna eat all of this cake since I'm not getting laid or something like that). He got annoyed at me and the conversation was brought up again about us together. Basically a "fight" ensued about us both respecting each other to much for not letting anything jeopardize it but then kept saying if something were to happen it wouldn't be casual. so now I'm so confused as to what his trying to say/imply. so I say well let me know when you figure out in what way you want our friendship to continue. Then he got confused and subsequently annoyed so we stopped talking. A week went by with zero talking until finally he said lets just drop this…so I did. It's just confusing to me if he knew that I would never go for a friends with benefit thing then why did he even bring it up? He never came out and said, I'd like to see where things go between us again. I should also mention that I have talked to him about a couple of guys that I have tried to date since him and it never works out and he has repeatedly told me that i'm a great catch "a pretty awesome lady" and i'm just meeting dbag. He said he would even tell those guys they were morons/idiots for walking away.

Here's where the question comes into play. Now that he's brought all that back up, I see him in that light again. I never ended things with him, he ended it with me. Honestly I was really torn up that he ended things before they started because I could really see myself falling for him but respected what he wanted from me so I let it go. I I've also seen him a ton with our friends this month and it's made me want him even more. I'm suspecting he likes me through his body language (he always ends up next to or across from me in our group, he drops his voice when we talk, he laughs at almost everything I say and its like he gets jumpy when i try to hug him) but I don't think anything will naturally occur at this point because things got so awkward between us like a month ago. Since now I can't stop thinking about him and clearly still have feelings for him I want to approach him about it, but I don' know how. Given what you've just read, how would you approach this situation? Also note that we are rarely alone together and our group of friends is only like 5-6 people so it's like people are always watching. He also told me that even if I got super drunk and threw myself at him he wouldn't do anything because he respects me to much….. HELP! I feel like the only option is a conversation, but I don' t know what to say and how to say it.

- Jack - 03-08-2014 01:45 AM

Sorry, I didn't read the whole thing..... Didnt have time but my question is how do you get so much space to write? When I ask a question it stops me so I have to leave details out! To answer your question.....Yes
(I'm just guessing I figured I got a 50/50 chance of getting your question right)