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What should i do if my boyfriend flirts with another girl? - Printable Version

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What should i do if my boyfriend flirts with another girl? - Soso - 03-08-2014 02:06 AM

We have been dating for 3 months. He has had not added me on Facebook and I haven't even asked him about it cuz I don't really use it that much.......Sometimes when I check him on Facebook, I see that he comments on some posts that girl and his comments are obviously flirty! ( I check him to just make sure that if hes sincere with me and also to be honest, I just wanna a proof that can make me stop being insecure) Yesterday, I was in his house and I asked him to open his Facebook and he did, so I started looking on who message him and who contacts him and then I asked him for his password and he refused to give it to me!! I was really upset when he refused and it actually made me feel more insecure!!!! He is really affectionate to me and I know that he loves me and I love him too but I just don't know why he doesn't give it to me. I also really respect his privacy but because one time I saw that he flirted with that girl so I started being paranoid. I just don't know how to talk to him through it cuz it really bothers me when he flirts with other girls.

- NerdyAnimeFanGirl - 03-08-2014 02:15 AM

Have you told him this bothers you? You seem like a jealous type to me so it would only be natural to be very curious on whoever he is talking to.

- Torerro54 - 03-08-2014 02:22 AM

You said it yourself. You are paranoid. Because he is yours, you see his way of being friendly as flirting. it is social media. You can't get caught up in it.
And he probably did not want to give you his password because you were trying to get it. If you respected his privacy, you wouldn't have asked him for it in the first place.
Trust him like he trusts you and you will be much happier.

- amy kruskamp - 03-08-2014 02:34 AM

Definitely murder him.

- Timmy - 03-08-2014 02:40 AM

Let him flirt it could just be a really close friend of his... But keep a close eye on him because he could just be using you in many ways and you might not know it... Test him out text him from a different number he doesn't know and flirt with him and ask him out. Just be like you met me a while back and..... Make up a story but make sure you text a little different so it's not the same how you text him

- Miranda - 03-08-2014 02:53 AM

First off,
Its only been 3 months and your asking to basically keep tabs on his fb? Weird. To soon.

Second, he is obviously a player.
Run away.