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Astonishing Facebook notifications? - Printable Version

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Astonishing Facebook notifications? - Irfan - 03-08-2014 02:31 AM

I m regularly getting facebook notifications that;
this and that has accepted your friend request when i have made no requests at all, i wud have straightaway said hacking but amazingly these (who are added to my list) are the people whom i know very well? and they get added to my list. please help me in suggesting what may be wrong,
No man i m not talking about lists, just like if i make a request to a fb member and when he/she accepts my request i get a notification that he/she has accepted your request. So the difference in my case is that i keep getting those notifications of ppl having accepted my request when i have not made any requests at all and most of those who are added to my aacount spontaneously are the ppl i know very well

- Spieler - 03-08-2014 02:42 AM

if your talking about facebook lists
facebook is adding these people automatically on your own
to help you
its sorting them on there info
if you go to a school named x
and your friend goes to the same school which is named x
facebook would create a new list called x