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Why do so many guys like My Little Pony? - Printable Version

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Why do so many guys like My Little Pony? - Josh - 03-08-2014 01:54 PM

This questions is for the Bronies out there. I, for the life of me, cannot figure out why so many teenage guys are into My Little Pony. I mean the show was originally made for 9 year old girls. Obviously their audience didn't turn out the way they planned and now for some reason the show has a massive male fan base. Now it's become all mainstream and I can't go on any social media without seeing it everywhere. What is so freaking great about the show?

- george - 03-08-2014 01:58 PM

Me personally I think most guys think its that kind of "oh I'm being uncool so that gives me alot of attention" then they supposedly be cool because they have alot of attention if that makes sense

- Windowphobe - 03-08-2014 02:10 PM

My inner child is a 9-year-old girl.

What has happened, actually, is that the characters proved to be unexpectedly deep, and the universe unexpectedly broad. The situations aren't even particularly cartoon-y; the first two episodes could have been a game of Dungeons and Dragons. (See "Lurking Rhythmically" for an explanation of how this is so.)

Nor is this phenomenon confined to teenagers; when I was 19, Richard Nixon was still President.

- venus_smrf - 03-08-2014 02:12 PM

Probably because it's hilarious. I'm not usually a fan of little girl cartoons, but some of them are just sarcastic and fun. This happens to be one of them. My brother and I watch My Little Pony all the time, and both of us are adults.

- Anabella - 03-08-2014 02:24 PM

I really bugs me you cant even go on the internet without it everywhere. It because some unpopular thought hed be funny and started to "like" it and told his friend to and it just kept passing on

- Andrew - 03-08-2014 02:39 PM

Hello! Brony here. I hope I can help you out.

Friendship Is Magic (the MLP bronies like, not the crap, pre-2010 ones) was designed with adults in mind. Lauren Faust made it to revitalize the franchise and to be tolerable, if not enjoyable to adults. Looking at this chart of the talent on the show, you can see they essentially ran many bronies' -who grew up on the great cartoons of the 90s and early 00s- childhoods: Add Tara Strong's résumé and you have a rockstar team for making a nostalgic cartoon.

Other reasons most like it are the same reasons as any show: fluid animation, interesting setting, relatable characters, decent writing, actual plot, lightheartedness, morals to live by, catchy music, dialogue that doesn't talk down to its audience, classic cartoon physics and comedy with adventure sprinkled in, intelligent references, and a production crew that cares.

Once the fandom grew out of the things in the last paragraph, it attracted new bronies all on its own. You see, bronies are massive and massively creative. We have art, music, comics, animation, memes, image and message boards, niche groups, social media, live streams, Web radio stations, news sites, meet ups, conventions, even charities. Just look at some of these:
There is really just so much to do, and the vast majority of people are really welcoming too.

And THAT is why bronies love My Little Pony! Have a nice day!

- LOL - 03-08-2014 02:44 PM

I could go into tons of detail, but I'll replay as simple as correct!
Show is great! There's nothing more and we like it because of it!
People disliking it usually end up as its fans! They at one point want to be informed haters, but when they watch it, they either become bronies themselves or simply stop hating!
Did you watch it? You could try that and see what's thee 'big deal'!