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How can I focus more on school? - Printable Version

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How can I focus more on school? - Mai_Carter - 03-08-2014 03:00 PM

This might sound like a dumb question but I really need to get better grades & become more dedicated for my future. I'm a freshmen I just got two ds for two different semester exams. How can i focus more on my school work instead of always being glued to my phone, instagram, tumblr, etc. Please answer realistic like saying I need to just take time away will most likely not work. I dont know what to do!!

- leonard c - 03-08-2014 03:01 PM

u need to concentrate perhaps a study group would help good luck to u

- Sarah - 03-08-2014 03:17 PM

What I did when I started to fail some of my classes is put down my phone for a while. I know. I know... It sounds awful to do, but it really helps on studying and just focusing on school work. Just put your phone down when it comes to homework and study time.

- Choufleur - 03-08-2014 03:19 PM

Try studying at a library rather than at home, and leaving your phone/laptop off and in your bag while in the library. Libraries are quiet, don't have the distractions of home and will have most of the resources you need. A couple of hours a day should help you get into a routine and focus.

- Simpson G - 03-08-2014 03:25 PM

If you can't control yourself, then have someone control you. When you get home, hand your phone to your parent. Have him set up the computer so you can only access certain websites - no chatting, no Facebook, no social media. Homework only.

You can have your phone for 5 minutes each hour as a break. Once you are done studying, you get your phone back, access to the computer, etc. Your parents should still be putting limits on the amount of time you are "plugged in" as it's obviously affecting your life.