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What are the pros and cons of social media? - Printable Version

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What are the pros and cons of social media? - Nenna - 03-08-2014 11:23 PM

- tommycat - 03-08-2014 11:39 PM

Pro is getting in touch with people you had lost touch.
Con is getting in touch with people you had lost touch.

- TK421 - 03-08-2014 11:44 PM

The pro: it's mildly amusing, for a while.
The con: it eats up way too much time, for nothing. It puts your identity at risk.

- Wyatt A - 03-09-2014 12:01 AM

Pro: you get to ask questions like this.

Con: you get to have answers like this

- Mr_Joe - 03-09-2014 12:11 AM

Social media can help unite people, we can spread the word of all kinds of things through social media. Big businesses, for example, are being brought into line because people can use social media to communicate concerns and even organize protests.
Businesses can use social media to improve their products and gain publicity.

People can keep in contact with family and friends, whom they normally would lose touch with, that can really work both ways. We can use social media to share thoughts and expressions, we even can show our creativity without signing up with big record companies (huge bonus).

The problems caused are that people engaging in social media too frequently are becoming anti social (ironic, I know). Shout hand text messaging is replacing proper grammar and spelling. People are not developing important interpersonal skills and because there is less face to face or even none at all, people are being less sensitive and online bullying is cause deep problems for some people.

On top of the social disorders, there are health concerns and, perhaps worst of all, security can be a big problem - People can track you via facebook and track you down even when you want or need to keep them away.
Hackers can sometimes steal financial information used on some social media places.

Here are just some of the pros and cons, I hope this answer is good for you and I hope you get many more that can enlighten you.

- M G - 03-09-2014 12:16 AM

PRO Getting in touch with new people.

CON Huge waste of time and tons of BS!

- Rachelle Hope - 03-09-2014 12:21 AM

Social media is great for businesses to engage with customers and update them on the happenings to of their business. The downside is that if you're not quick to reply to questions or comments, then it doesn't benefit a business.

- M H - 03-09-2014 12:23 AM

Pro: Social media can influence change
Con: Social media can influence negative change

Best to be careful

- Daljeet - 03-09-2014 12:25 AM

Social media is a great way to engage yourself with the outside world. Everything has good or bad sides, same as with Social Media.
Pros of Social Media:-
-> you can stay connected with your friends like you get latest updates from your friends there
-> Social media is today world is a good source for the people who are running their Online Business.
-> a businessmen can easily tell about the product or brand to the world.
-. can promote it in a better way with the help of famous social media sites like Facebook, linkedin, twitter, pintrest.
-> You can make new connections from any place of the world and tell them about your product

Some people are there who can only spoil such good things. So here are some cons of social media:-
-> online hackers are there, who can hack your account easily and misuse it.
-> your content might be misused
-> due to some vulgar content on such type of sites, affects young children mind, their mentality.

If you are also a business owner or running an Online eCommerce store then I must say that social media is a best way to promote your product.