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how do I get a guy to stop liking me? - Printable Version

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how do I get a guy to stop liking me? - christi - 03-09-2014 01:43 AM

ok so there's this guy in my class who makes it obundently clear that he likes me and word has it he's gonna ask me out. I DO NOT like him, but I really don't want to hurt him. his friends follow me on twitter so I've been trying to make alot of tweets about the boy I do like, so his friends see that I like someone else. I don't know what to do. maybe I should just confess my love for the guy I like and perhaps we will get married before the other guy asks me out. jk. but seriously my stomach hurts thinking about having to reject him. I feel really bad about it. help me!!

- Terri W - 03-09-2014 01:47 AM

If you know he is going to ask then you have the time to think of a polite way to turn him down without making a scene. Let him know you are involved with someone else and would not want to hurt him either.

- Kathryn - 03-09-2014 01:51 AM

Everyone got rejected at some point. Yes this is something we all don't like doing...rejecting someone, but really you don't have a choice. Leading him on will still eventually hurt him even more, so the one thing left to do is just tell him nicely that he's a great guy but that you don't feel the same way about him. Yes he might feel heart broken but he'll get over it and find someone else eventually. Good luck!

- Taylor - 03-09-2014 02:01 AM

Try to avoid him approaching you to ask you out as much as you can. Try flirting with the guy you like in front of him and giving him the message that your attention is on someone else. Either way, he will be hurt but it is something that we all have to go through. If he does end up approaching you to ask you out, let him down easy, let him know your sorry, and assure him that he will find someone else.

- RaNdOm - 03-09-2014 02:11 AM

Next time your with him, make it clear that your not interested by talking about the guy you like. Or you could try something that I always do, suggest hooking him up with one of your friends! Everytime a guy likes me and I don't like him back, I'm always like "You want me to hook you up?" and if he's desperate, he'll say yes lol. Or next time he does something that indicates he likes you, just reject it. For example, Him: Your soo gorgeous, if we were to go out, id never let you go!
You: Um we wouldn't go out lol
I know it seems mean, but you got to let him know or he's not gonna leave you alone! Or you could just wait until he asks you out, and kindly say "No sorry, I like someone else" or you could lie and say "I already have a boyfriend"
Good luck! Smile