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marketing project topics in pharma industry? - Printable Version

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marketing project topics in pharma industry? - priya d - 03-09-2014 03:52 AM

any marketing project topics which had been done in pharmaceuticals

- Bob - 03-09-2014 04:00 AM

NOt sure what you mean but drugs are marketed everywhere.

Just pick up a magazine or watch two seconds of tv.

Sleep aids, ED drugs, Cholestroral Drugs etc, etc.

They are eveywhere.

Good luck

- platinium - 03-09-2014 04:11 AM

Hey, the source below will lead you to US governmental page with Industry Market Briefs for the Philippines. It has one page for pharmaceuticals, too. It might be useful for reference in your project.

Also, there are some extensive market reviews on that topic, but they cost a lot.

Good luck with your project.

- Lady Yaz - 03-09-2014 04:17 AM

I'm a little unclear on your question, but I'll take it as meaning: Discuss and analyze the marketing of products in the pharmaceutical industry and the efficacy of the marketing plans. Based on this, I'd suggest something along the line of the following successful pharmaceutical product marketing campaigns......

- The introduction of ED drugs (such as Viagra) and the steps taken in overcoming the patient's hesitation and embarrasment in consulting a physician regarding a very intimate problem;

- The Tylenol product tampering problem in the 80s (which resulted in several deaths and general consumer panic), and how the company managed through immediate response and clever marketing to bounce back from a near-fatal business situation;

- The introduction of the pill (60s?), and the challenges faced in overcoming social and religious taboos.

The above are examples of successful campaigns resulting in the creation/maintenance of astronomical sales. If you want to write about a project for a yet-to-be-introduced product, how about "Overcoming the business challenges faced in marketing 'the male pill' contraceptive for men"?

I hope some of this is on point.

- Arthur P. - 03-09-2014 04:30 AM

Perhaps you can clarify what you need/what you want to learn. There isn't a product on the market that hasn't undergone some sort of market research. Who is the target? What do they read/get information? What other products do they use? How much are they willing to spend on the product. Etc.