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My boyfriend has alot of female friends, and he seeks out female friends? - Printable Version

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My boyfriend has alot of female friends, and he seeks out female friends? - Jennifer - 03-09-2014 09:25 AM

K guys i've been with my bf for 7 months now and one thing I've noticed since the beginning of our relationship is how many girls he talks to, especially on social media. Whether it be fb, insta, snapchat or whatever he always adds a bunch of girls he doesn't even know and he starts to talk to some of them. I mean i met my boyfriend on social media and he was the one who starting commenting on my stuff and i would respond and one day we made arrangement to hangout and it went on from there. My problem is that I am wondering what is going on. When i ask him about this his he gets upset and his response is always " i'm just going to delete my profile, insta, etc." Then i have to go and tell him that he doesnt have to delete it, that that is not what would make me feel better. Like why cant he just have a fb, or insta without adding so many girls? And here's what worse, i just noticed he's been texting this girl who he has recently met on insta and he told her our relationship problems and he doesn't even know her! I mean all this sucks because he is so sweet to me, he does do alot for me. He cooks for me all the time, he buys me everything i want, he takes me anywhere i want to go and he always give me affection. Why does he want to have female friends so bad? And not just that but ones he wants to relate to? I mean he talks to girls that have common interests with him like girls who like his fav. sports team, or music, etc. I honestly don't know what to do because he gets so mad everytime I bring this up to him. He always tells me that its messed up that I dont let him have friends, which isnt' true I just dont get why he chooses the friends he does.

- kvn - 03-09-2014 09:30 AM

U r just one among them.

- Elizabeth ML - 03-09-2014 09:43 AM

hmmm i wouldnt like this, my advice would be to tap into his accounts or ask to see messages. tell him it makes you feel uncomfortable and want him to stop. im sure he wouldnt like it if it was the other way round

- Peter - 03-09-2014 09:45 AM

Sounds like a motherless child. Check it out and get to the root.... Then go find a real-life bf. One who is not so lost from himself; who is not so intent upon wasting his future trying to find a way out of his past!

- Iced - 03-09-2014 09:47 AM

That's tough because he's sweet to you in many ways, but this just isn't one of them. As another answerer said, I think you should ask him how he would feel if the other way around. Or, just start adding random guys and do what he does. Though, that may not be the best thing to do or bring a solution. I think it's f'd up honestly, especially that he was texting one of them and about your problems. If you do have problems, other than this one you're talking about here, maybe this guy just isn't for you. It doesn't seem like he's willing to change this any time soon and grow up. Not sure how old you are, but this is very immature behavior from him. You have to decide if you're going to be willing to deal with it. Lots of guys can have very sweet and affectionate sides, but some not so good sides too, so don't be too taken in by his sweet side.