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how can i become closer to the boy i like? - Printable Version

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how can i become closer to the boy i like? - Katy - 03-09-2014 03:01 PM

I'm 14, in highschool and there is this boy that i really like. We have the same sense of humor and when we're sat together in lessons he always seems to be happy and laughing, but he is like that with a lot of girls (its not really in a flirty way its just the way he seems to click with a lot of people) The thing is i dont talk to him AT ALL out of school and we are from two completely different 'friendship groups' so i dont see him that much in school at break + lunch times etc....i mostely see him in lessons -- he's not the kind of guy that goes to parties either so its hard

because he seems to get on with a lot of girls (a lot of them are prettier than me) I dont know if I have a shot with him, and also he hasn't dated anyone before- which is weird because i always see him laughing with these beautiful girls... i dont think he sees anyone in a romantic way but anyway I just want to get closer with him and talk a lot more but i dont know how to sortta...get closer to him

this sounds cheesy but i just think about him all the time and im pretty sure that he doesnt think of me at all, let alone in 'that' way. It might sound like i have a crush on him when i barely know him but as soon as we first spoke i just felt tingles and i enjoy being around him so much.

so could you please help me on how to know if he is into me or how to get closer with him or how to get him to see me in a 'more than friends' way THANK YOU!XX

- Emmy - 03-09-2014 03:07 PM

Does he have Facebook or some other social platform? Then just say hi! If he replies, great. If he doesn't, whatever. Keep talking to him in lessons. Don't come on too strong, but don't be afraid either; just be yourself. Don't worry that other people will judge you if you talk to him despite him not being in your "friend group". I used to be SO shy about these things. I wouldn't talk to anyone besides my small group of friends; I always thought they were too/good popular for me. You've got to break out of that mindset. They are just people. And he seems like a nice guy, so just go say hi. What's the worst that can happen? He doesn't respond. His loss. And if your too shy, like I said use Facebook or something. Hope this helped Smile