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What symbolizes social inequalities? - Printable Version

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What symbolizes social inequalities? - Rachel - 03-09-2014 06:47 PM

What symbol represents social inequalities?

- Lenny - 03-09-2014 06:56 PM

Socialist regimes symbolize social inequality the best.

Stalin could make short phone call about a person and that person would be brutally tortured and killed within a day.

Mao had kept harem of young girls for his pleasure.

Kim Il Sen had air from the wood brought to his palace over tens of miles of pipes.

Correspondingly, the symbol for inequality is a red communist flag.

Compare it to the free market system with high mobility for the aspired individual where Bill Gates, Steve Jobs, George Soros, BIll O'Reily and millions of other individuals with modest background had became self-made millionaires or billionaires and therefore members of the elite.