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Does anyone else really loathe social media? - Printable Version

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Does anyone else really loathe social media? - James - 03-10-2014 09:22 AM

I hate social media with a seething passion. Especially the likes of Instagram and faceboook. I can see the merits of twitter. However the majority of social media is so artificial it makes me sick. It is basically dictating how people make friends and interact with their friends. Have people forgotten how to interact in person or even over the phone?? I think social media stems from a general insecurity that people have for themselves and they are afraid to interact in person. Does anyone share any of my sentiments?

- Nick - 03-10-2014 09:34 AM

Sort of, I hate Facebook with all my heart it's so stupid, it's full of spam and stupid people. Many people spam those 'Like and share photos' which really annoys me. I have some friends on Skype, I try to convince my other friends to switch over to Skype instead of staying on Facebook since there are so many privacy issues on Facebook. But it's no use, since all their friends are already on Facebook they don't want to switch over to Skype. Facebook is truly an evil website.

- AnonM - 03-10-2014 09:43 AM

I do as well...