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Hey guys I've problem making friends with girls.? - Printable Version

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Hey guys I've problem making friends with girls.? - Shahoor - 03-10-2014 10:11 AM

So guys here it is. I am a 2nd PU student and everyone in my college has a girlfriend, even the ugliest guy. And not me. And by that I mean that I am considered, by many, one of the best looking dude of my college and no I'm not flattering myself. Okay here is why I think I don't have a girlfriend. I behave like an asshole. All the time I talk about how good looking a 'guy' is in the college which resulted in everyone considering me gay. I don't hold authority over my personality and I let others bring me down and make fun of me. My voice is girlish, and I have acne marks. But, trust me I'm good looking. Now the thing is if I'm good looking then don't girls and talk to me. Why do they expect me to talk to them. Is there any law or shit? And why don't girls come and propose to me? IF i'm good looking. I've the best looking girls of the college staring at me all the time. I haven't even sent them a friend request on facebook thinking that it would hurt my ego. So help me guys. It's really frustrating.
tell me how to get girls to come and talk to me and also how to make a reputation considering my personality. And how to not let haters bring me down. I've uploaded my pic please check out.

- Julian - 03-10-2014 10:16 AM

1. lose the "asshole" attitude unless some guy is wanting to pick a fight or being a dick.
2. Never talk about how good looking a guy is cause people will think you're gay. Start by talking about girls instead.
3. Never let anyone put you down or pick on you. Fight back.
4. If you do something impressive and girls see it, then they come up to you. Other than that, they won't come to you.
5. If girls want you to come up to them, make your move before its too late. Don't sit there and wait cause it won't get you anywhere.
6. See a cute girl on facebook, friend request her.

Girls are complicated and think guys should read their minds and expect guys to do whatever their thinking of. So its best to go up to them cause their not coming up to you unless their desperate or mature enough to do so.