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help me , i'm worried about my little bro!? - Printable Version

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help me , i'm worried about my little bro!? - Chaeryung - 03-10-2014 10:40 AM

hey everyone , i need your help !
i'm a Muslim but i think many people even non-Muslims might help so please....
my little bro is only 15 and he's gonna be 16 after a couple of months !
i've found out that he lies A LOT and more than usual "he sometimes swear by the name of Allah / God that he did or didn't while i'm sure he's lying" "for Muslims swearing by the name of Allah/God and you're lying is a very big and a bad deal"
it's been a while since i'm noticing bad things he's doing ! for praying , he prays when he's told to but i also found him lying , telling us that he is while he's not "Praying is the most important thing in Islam , if hope you understand"
other than that , today he forgot to log out of his facebook account , i know what i did is wrong but i'm so freakin' worried about him so i checked one of his messages ! and there when i found out that he's smoking , telling A VERY BAD WORDS to his friends , even worse that the words that starts with F , and S , really bad words , we never raised him to say those things and he's only 15 T_T
he watches porn , which i was sure and then he once watched it with my youtube account opened and didn't delete history so when i checked my history i knew . his best friend seems fine but no the way they talks with each and how they say bad words and exchange bad links O.o my bro sent to his friend a bad facebook's page ...!!!!
i read that in school his best friend though that he's gay and started telling all friends about him that my bro is gay , my bro tried to explain that he's not "well i'm sure he's not" all his friends didn't talk to him " i just knew and i started crying that we didn't know that he's going through those hardships at young age "
but after sometimes him and his best friend became friends again , said sorry and so on ! and that they were wrong and so on "i'm 100000% sure he's not gay"
i know some of you might say it's okay but NO it's not "smoking , telling a very very very words that i can't even try to say . watched porn , lying , disrespect us a lot, and i think he has bad friends as well ) and i'm here alone and i don't know what to do" i'm afraid that i might wake up and find out that i lost m little bro !
i can't tell neither my mom or father because they're sick and old , it would be a big shock to them , i can't tell my older sisters , one of them is having a hard time at her own and the other i don't know i'm afraid she might do something bad , my older bro is working at Saudi Arabia and we're in Jordan ! the only person i can trust is My Brother In Law but i'm hesitating so i'm asking you before telling him! , please help me and take in mind that i'm a Muslim and there might be things that's okay for you but bad for us T_T
sorry if annoyed anyone by anything i said , it's 5:25 am and i was supposed to be studying for my exam but what i saw made me cry until my eyes are red and i don't know what to do...
i can't study anymore , i'm worried...
thanks for the help , and sorry if i annoyed you while i don't know...

- Sadia Merchant - 03-10-2014 10:49 AM


ur concern for ur brother shows u must b a wonderful sibling and are really keen to set things right for him.

the only thing u can do is firstly dont yell at him. dont tell him stuff like i kno u r lying. dat will only make him even more defensive and if he lies too much very soon he will start believing his own lies.
once in a while just tell him, even tho u kno he has lied, n he knows u kno he has lied, tell him u believe him n trust in him. over time he might start to feel a bit guilty although he is not dat small anymore.

another thing, and i find this mostttt effective in reforming a household is to play a tafseer of the Qur'an. take any surah and any speaker of ur choice, keep the volume on loudspeaker so it is somewhat audible to all members of the family. i kno dey will get a bit irritated in the beginning and very very reluctant too, but just keep going with it and even if they catch two or three sentences of the whole thing, believe me it will make a massive difference. this is wat my parents did too so in a way its a tried n tested technique. i cant say we became awesome, but at least it played a big part from us going bad.
just do it for maybe half an hour everyday n at a time when u r sure everyone has the highest chance of listening.
i recommend nouman ali khan's tafsir of all surah's from the 30th part.
play any and keep it doing it.

even if it doesnt show major changes, at least u will gain a lot of knowledge, ur brother will feel some guilt n not do bad things wen he is listening to the words of the Qur'an being explained and u will feel like u tried something.

gud luck. i hope things improve soon Insha Allah!