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I need help facebook i dont want 2 friends to view my friends list.. but how is it fully done ? - Printable Version

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I need help facebook i dont want 2 friends to view my friends list.. but how is it fully done ? - Hocksbreath - 03-10-2014 06:09 PM

I have 138 friends listed on my facebook account. There is only 2 friends that are allready listed on my friends list. But these 2 list friends i dont want to see no more who my friends are in the list.

However i dont want to block them. I want them to continue post on my wall look at my pictures comment them as normal.

But i dont want them 2 user friends to view the rest of my friends on my friends list.

However i try do this by going to:

On the side friendslist i click that small icon and directs me to the edit profile

firends 138 on the side i click it and has public.. friends... custom or me... i have it just (friends)

I click custom... from there below where the X is.. i type the name of my friend i have.
However once i click done its done but how do i really now 100% that my 2 friends there will not see who my friends are listed on my profile?

Shouldnt there be a list of who can view it and who can't just so im aware who ive set it up ?

Remember if i set it to JUST ME this means everyone on my facebook friends list will also be block from not viewing who my friends are..... Its really only 2 user friends who i dont want them to show who my friends are.

Help me please.

- abraXus - 03-10-2014 06:16 PM

this is really pretty easy...

1 - create a custom list with those two friends in the custom list, and name it something like "hide friends" -

2 - go to your edit friends page, where you set up your privacy for the friends list and select "custom" -
2a - Timeline -
2b - Normal -

3. in the "custom" box there is an "allow" and a "restricted" - put the name of the custom "hide friends" list in the "restricted" box and save it all

4. go to the "view as" page, and type in the name of that list to see what they see on your profile to verify you did everything right