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Should I still be friends with her? - Printable Version

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Should I still be friends with her? - Fabian - 03-10-2014 06:53 PM

So I started being friends with her this summer when she posted a distressing facebook status and I asked her what's wrong. Ever since, she's really opened up to me about her life. We go to a really expensive private school and she's been telling me how she isn't like everyone else because she comes from the projects.

The thing is, although she considers herself really mature because she has gone through a lot of things relative to the rest of our grade, I think she hugely irresponsible. She also pisses me off because she's obsessed with boys and she's always talking about how she thinks all these guys like her just because they made eye contact or brushed shoulders or something.

Last night, we went to a party that I had been looking forward to for months. But during the pregame, she got really drunk so by the time was got to the party she was puking all over the place and almost blacked out. I had to take care of her all night and her parents weren't exactly responsive. Eventually her brother picked her up but by then the party was over. I was also supposed to stay at her place for the night but she was gone and all my other friends had gone too so I ended up going home alone at 2am in the morning in freezing cold weather.

This morning I called her to make sure she was okay because I was worried but she was just obsessed with knowing who saw her and all the guys that were there. She kept on saying how grateful she was to the guys who were there helping her and she didn't even acknowledge how I held her hair back and called everyone and kept her awake and stayed with her the entire time.

I've been annoyed at her before but now I honestly am just speechless. I'm still worried about her and I think someone has to be there to make sure she doesn't do something last night again but I don't want her to ruin all my fun either because I can hardly stand talking to her. What should I do?

- john - 03-10-2014 06:58 PM

Shes probably gotten used to all of your help towards her so she is starting to not realize all of the good things you have done for her. The same happened with me and my ex. Just mention it to her straight and if your still friends good, maybe she will take your advice, and if not then oh well