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Punishing my Twitter bully? - Printable Version

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Punishing my Twitter bully? - Sadie - 03-10-2014 09:04 PM

How will my twitter bully be punished?
What kind of lawsuit or criminal charges could a person face if they harassed someone on Twitter? I have been horribly treated by someone on Twitter. They have sent six increasingly nasty Tweets to me about my divorce and my child. The Tweets were not threatening but told me I deserved what life had given me. I have engaged with them and now want to find out who they are and seek some sort of retribution. What sort of charges would they face and what are my options? I know people in law enforcement who could help me and have some good money to support this.

I am willing to take this all the way, and I have friends who will make this a big deal to those who can help me. Does more influence equal better results?

- jaker - 03-10-2014 09:10 PM

He will be punished by your mommy telling him not to pick on her special baby.

- Frank - 03-10-2014 09:22 PM

stop tweeting the problems ends

- Rira - 03-10-2014 09:28 PM

Jesus, now I understand why someone might think you're a bit loony many times are you going to post this? Really, why should the court waste its time telling two adults to play nice and quit tweeting at each other?

- J - 03-10-2014 09:33 PM

Rather than try to punish free speech, try just blocking them on twitter or *read this carefully* DON'T USE TWITTER*

You don't need to file a lawsuit every time someone insults you on the internet. Nobody threatened you, so I really don't think any laws have been broken. You can't prosecute someone just for being mean. You are an adult, so start acting like one. Words can't hurt you, especially if you don't know who's saying them. The only words that should hurt are those from people you care about. This person obviously isn't your friend. Just ignore what they have to say, and move on with your life. Think about the example you want to set for your child. You want to teach your child to be strong and not let mean words get to you so much. This trend of everyone filing a lawsuit for every little thing isn't the answer. The court isn't going to award you money just because someone said something disrespectful. They will not face criminal charges either. If they have not threatened you, then you don't need to worry about it. Just don't take the internet so seriously. Get outside and worry about what you encounter in the real world.

- Inda Cloud - 03-10-2014 09:36 PM

Freedom of speech - it is not illegal to be nasty. If no threats, nothing will happen. BLock them. Shut down your twitter account. Complain to twitter. You will not find out who they are (unless they use their real name.)

Though I don't understand - if you know folks in law enforcement why not ask them?