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Why do people make facebook profiles for their children/babies? - Printable Version

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Why do people make facebook profiles for their children/babies? - girl - 03-11-2014 03:11 AM

Some of my friend have little children or babies and they make facebook profiles for them with tons of pictures. Why would someone do that? it's not like the babies know how to type!? LOL

It's very unsafe

- ladystang - 03-11-2014 03:20 AM

it's unsafe for them to, but they do it. don't understand why people do facebook.

- 873 - 03-11-2014 03:28 AM

i guess they're just not internet aware, and just want to show there child off to the world.
a lot of people don't realize the predators surfing the web :/

- mattiqe09 - 03-11-2014 03:33 AM

Facebook is a social network site so people want to shares pics of there children and maybe they want to book babies name profiles Tongue so in future they will work on there on facebook page no need to suggestion or option for nick.

- Fallen♥ - 03-11-2014 03:43 AM

I know it's really unsafe, but I guess to show off their baby pictures to their friends who add their babies as friends.

- Q - 03-11-2014 03:45 AM

As someone without children, I prefer for my parenting friends to create new profiles for their kids. This way, the people who don't want minute-to-minute updates about smiles and diapers (like me) can still interact with these parents in a baby-free environment. Anyone who wants those updates can add the kids separately.

In terms of security, the pictures and information are ones they would post would be on their own pages anyhow, so it's not a greater lack of security; it's the same lack of security. I agree that they should be cautious about this, but that's true in general.