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US Constitution and Atheists Win Another One? - SJesusReality - 03-11-2014 05:16 AM

Talk about standing up for the US Constitution and your beliefs!!!

16 years old, a little girl, and standing up to a 40 something jesus freak and US Constitution hater state Rep. Peter Polombo.

This fine example of a Christian American man met in private with Jesus and then had this to say about the 16 year young girl : she is "an evil little thing," a "clapping seal" and a "pawn star".

Jesus is sooooo Proud of the people Christians elect to lead our Nation, to lead our children by example!!!

Isn't he?

And then these other fine examples of tolerant and loving Christian American children had these things to say, taught to them by their christian parents of course : Yesterday, one Twitter user said "this girl honestly needs to be punched in the face."

Another user bragged "your home address posted online i cant wait to hear about you getting curb stomped you ****ing worthless c***."

And some users using their real names identified themselves as classmates of Jessica Ahlquist, the plaintiff, one saying "definelty laying it down on this athiest tomorrow anyone else?"

Police said they are patrolling Ahlquists' house and the school this weekend."

Isn't that special. Seems the police anticipate an angry mob of christians attacking a 16 year old girl violently. Isn't Jesus a wonderful influence?

How about a cheer for the Win for the US Constitution? Once again the LAW, Man's Law, is upheld and Jesus is booted out of a PUBLIC School. Considering the negative and violent influence Jesus had on those nasty christian kids...that is good isn't it?

- One True Dog - 03-11-2014 05:21 AM

There's no reason to try and ban expression of Christian culture. It's downright fascist and appalling and this is coming from an agnostic and one of religion's biggest critics.

Forced prayer in school? Obviously that should be a no-no but non-mandatory prayer? Let the kids express their beliefs in a respectful way. There's no reason to run these rigid and marxist-esque schools with uniforms and political correctness codes.

- ? - 03-11-2014 05:28 AM


- Science - 03-11-2014 05:36 AM

The girl has all my support. Christians are a bunch of effing hypocrites!
down with the oppression of the religions, secular government and separation of church and state must be uphold.

- 802 - 03-11-2014 05:46 AM

Yes, I

Notice how they routinely defend such things with the same claims every time.

It's historic. The Heritage claim. As if breaking the law for fifty years in a school should be enshrined.

It was a student effort. So why are such student efforts always only allowed or hung when it's a Christian icon or Christian religious deal?

- Outlawcajun - 03-11-2014 06:01 AM

First off, anyone threatening the girl aren't true Christians.
Second, where is the outrage of those that want to take
Christ out of the schools, but have no problem with a bunch
of muslims having special rooms set aside for worship of a
false profit ?
You insult Christ, but have no problem with allowing Mohammad,
a pedophile that practiced bestiality in. Says a lot about some people.

- Heyzeus - 03-11-2014 06:13 AM

"First off, anyone threatening the girl aren't true Christians."

That is right!! Real christians would be there defending that little girl from violent thugs threatening violence in the name of Jesus.

Ummmm so where are they?

Oh that is right, forgot, REAL christians cower in fear from the fake christians giving christianity a bad image.

Jesus Freaks. When they don't get their way they get violent.

Jesus taught in secret code it seems, opposite code. Whatever Jesus said Jesus actually wants chrisitians to do the opposite.