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Should I block my friend on facebook? - Needd avice please!? - Printable Version

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Should I block my friend on facebook? - Needd avice please!? - Dave - 03-11-2014 06:07 AM

Me and my friend (female) are very close, however over the past year our friendship has taken a little down hill slide due to many factors within in both of our lives (nothing we have done to each other) and this is why we haven’t been as close as previous years. Anyway she sent me an invite to her birthday on facebook but didn’t send me the address! I sent her several texts and calls but she never contacted me back. Yet everybody else she invited I presumed went. Fast forward a couple of days and I called her for her actual birthday and wished her happy birthday on facebook and still no reply (liked everyone else congrats except mine). I sent her a detailed message on facebook asking her to please contact me and expressed my feelings to her as a friend and told her I cant fix the problem If I don’t know what I have done and said it will take two of us to make amends. I told her how important she was to me and how many good times we have had together, I also mentioned that at times I thought we would make a good couple (I didn’t confess any love and never have). I was very hostile and didn’t say anything bad about her or the situation. She replied and said I will get back to you soon with a detailed reply… Fast-forward two weeks and I still have no reply! Now she is making me angry and frustrated!

Do you think I should just block her? Or would that seem childish?

Im devastated by this Sad Im so disappointed in her for acting like this

- Russell - 03-11-2014 06:11 AM

Leave her alone. Don't make time in your life for people who don't make time for you.

- Jessica - 03-11-2014 06:24 AM

Please do not block her this will make it more stress full, try and talk to her and of she still ignores you, trying asking her does this mean where not friends anymore, and after a week if she doesn't answer then block her, then you could try telling her how you feel

Remember real friends will stick by you no matter what, and they will never judge you

Hope this helped xxx

- Kathleen - 03-11-2014 06:35 AM

Are you in the same school/work/something? Talk to her in person, express your feelings and if she doesn't answer, wait. And wait. And wait. Just make sure you're never mean to her. You never know, she might have a problem at home or something...

- Lucy - 03-11-2014 06:50 AM

Well she sounds like a shit friend! She's obviously got some sort of problem or she wants some sort of attention from you. Don't block her, that'll give her the attention she wants! Just don't bother with her and let her bother with you. If she was a good friend then she'll realise what she's missing and come back to you. Hope you sort things soon Smile

- Dexan - 03-11-2014 07:05 AM

I don't think that you should block her. You never know it could just be really hard for her to say what she wants to. You should give her time to do this if you ever see her at work/school you should try to talk to her in person. I find that talks like these are always better done in person no matter how hard it might be. just try to wait and if nothing happens just know that she was not a true friend and you deserve a better friend. Good luck!

- Mohd Rusydi - 03-11-2014 07:20 AM

its seem childish,u must use realpolitic,its mean use a technigue something like read their mind,or else..or u just act tht u know what happen,girl love magical boy,btw maybe She got a new friends that better than u for her,u must just leave her alone,dun waste u time by typing tooo many word for her,its just a waste,remember
for u she the good one right? u are wrong,there are too many Rifle (girl) out there,girl like a cloth we can wear it n reequip it...soo its just a waste n its a way to love, love is A.R.A.D Adventure,Romance,and Danger