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How is "rush babes of america" helping his current situation? - Printable Version

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How is "rush babes of america" helping his current situation? - Amanda - 03-11-2014 09:59 AM

Rush Limbaugh after his "slut" fiasco shortly put up a facebook community "rush babes for amerca" as a result of him being supportive of women...If i haven't been keepin up with the news i could've sworn it was a low-grade porn site! even the title is horrible so how is this helping his case? And has it affected any decisions with his current/ex-sponsers?

- BASH - 03-11-2014 10:10 AM

Keep in mind that his supporters cheerlead women being called sluts and it makes sense that they would continue to support his antics against women and his website that depicts women as sexual objects.