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Issues with facebook privacy!? - Printable Version

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Issues with facebook privacy!? - Miss Misery - 03-11-2014 10:24 AM

I put all my privacy settings on only friends, including how I show up in the search, but my profile picture and fan pages are still made available for profiles I'm not friends with! I absolutely do not want this. How can I set it so that if someone who I'm not friends with searches for my name, they only see a question mark in place of my profile picture, and they don't see the pages I'm fans of.

I tried everything that was obvious, including photo's privacy. I don't see anything for fan pages specifically, but I made everything else friends only.

- DAYLONDE - 03-11-2014 10:39 AM

I dont know, but you're not alone! Facebook made it so that your profile picture, fan pages, gender and network are all "public information".

Its really makes me mad! The privacy options are what made Facebook so much better then all those other social networking sites! But now it's the same as myspace.

- leahf - 03-11-2014 10:49 AM

Right now you can't.

FB's newest settings have made your profile pic, name, current city, gender, fan pages, and friends list public.

You can do some things to limit this effect. Under your security settings, disable your profile from appearing in searches and disable internet search engines from accessing it.

Now anyone wanting to find you has to go through several layers--they have to find your profile via friends or friends or from your post anywhere on FB--still, if they find a post by you, they can still access the above info.

You can remove your gender, current city, and fan pages. You'll just have to delete them if you don't want them to show up. Replace your profile pic with another image you don't mind ppl seeing (your other pics will be protected if you have the right settings). Change your name to a fake name too if you like.

For your friendslist, your only options are to have no one view them or have everyone view them. To hide your friendslist entirely, click on the pencil icon next to the box in your profile and select 'hide'.

Please don't stop there, though. FB has violated yours and everyone else's privacy. Write in, complain, and post on FB's fanpage to voice your displeasure, and if this isn't enough, disable your account and tell them you won't be back until they reinstate our security. That's what I did. They won't listen until they start losing massive numbers of users.