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what does this mean? do i still love him? - Printable Version

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what does this mean? do i still love him? - Mollie - 03-11-2014 01:20 PM

I broke up with my boyfriend last night, I had been with him for two years. I'm only 15 and he was my first boyfriend. After breaking up with him I have mixed emotions. I feel relieved because I hadn't been 100% happy for a while and had wanted to get it over and done with. I feel happy because I'm only 15 and it means I can have a bit of fun without worrying about being tied down to someone. But on the other hand, I feel like a complete bitch for a few reasons. He really loved me Sad and I ended it through text. I didn't plan on finishing it like that, but he basically figured out I wasn't feeling happy and there was no point lying to him? And he basically said it should end, he made the final decision I think, I just said I wasn't happy. I'm a bit confused about who actually ended it. But anyway he sent me a message saying he won't reply for a few months and I will always be in his heart etc and it has made me feel awful! However I also feel angry. During our relationship he had deactivated his Facebook account because of disputes between us when he would flirt with other girls via inbox and stuff and within a couple of hours of breaking up, his account is activated, he has changed his password so I can't go onto his account (my aunt told me he had messaged her and I wanted to see what he had put) and he has put a status today saying he will reply to anyone when he has finished work. This puzzles me, because I instantly think he is already talking to other girls, because a)he has changed his password already, and his relationship status, but not his profile picture of the two of us and b) he used to contact everyone via text and twitter because he didn't have Facebook, so anyone he spoke to regularly he spoke to through those two ways, not Facebook? Am I over reacting? I feel awful for what has happened, I have been getting teary at random moments or when I think about him and how I have made him feel. But at the same time he didn't put up much of a fight either. I'm really confused about my feelings towards him and what is going on.

- Cherry - 03-11-2014 01:21 PM

I think you should move on and put it to rest.
Be happy again! Go meet a new guy, start fresh and have fun with your life!
I wish you well and I hope it gets off your mind soon because nobody wants a person to cry!xx
It was probably meant to happen and now being 15 you lots of time left to leave the messy situation alone and restart a new amazing journeyy Big Grin xxx