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what can i get my boyfriend for valentines day? - Printable Version

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what can i get my boyfriend for valentines day? - Tascha - 03-11-2014 02:16 PM

i have been going out with my boyfriend for 7 months now he is 15 and i have no clue what to get him for valentines day he has got everything he wants so i have absolutely no idea what to get him will chocolates and card just do because his last name is thornton i was thinking about getting him thorntons chocolates and he does love sweets and chocolate but i dont know if that is too litlle... please help me

- lindylou - 03-11-2014 02:20 PM

You are not engage, keep it simple. Chocolates sound okay but don't make it the big box. He will feel guilty if he doesn't give you anything. And don't get angry if he forgets. Guys that are just starting to date may not feel it is necessary until you are going steady. Tell him that you were thinking about him and leave it at that.

- Wascally Wabbit - 03-11-2014 02:25 PM

DIY Valentine's Day Gift Ideas

Photo Collage

Thanks to the advancement of technology, chances are the two of you have dozens of snapshots spread across your phones and/or social media.Why not do something a little old fashioned and turn them into a carefully-placed display?You might, for instance, give your collage a theme and print off pictures where the two of you are doing something in particular – dancing or traveling, e.g. – then write out short descriptions or funny captions for each one.

Digital Wallpaper

It doesn’t matter whether your honey is a teenager glued to a smartphone or a grandparent just learning how to use a computer, you can bet he or she spends at least a little bit of time each day in front of some valuable landscape on a screen!This being the case, you can easily create a custom background with very little in the way of expertise – it’s truly a do-it-yourself project that can be completed in as little as five minutes.

Sappy Songs

No matter what age you are, there has to be at least one song that helps you convey your feelings for the person who stole your heart.If you are like most people, there are dozens of romantic tunes you identify with that special someone and Valentine’s Day is the perfect time to share them all with him or her.You can make a physical copy of the dozen or so songs you have in mind on a CD or, if your dearest has an MP3 player, load up a digital playlist with as many tunes as will fit.

Keys to Your Kingdom

Is this a bit goofy? Yes. Is it sweet? Undoubtedly – one of the sweetest in this top ten list.When you are coming up with do-it-yourself ideas, creativity is what ends up being the difference maker between a cliché and touching.Find a key or two (or twelve, if you want) without a door to open, then decorate it with glitter or a simple red bow.Your honey has already unlocked your heart, so make it official.

Poetry or a Letter

Scribbling down your intimate thoughts about someone is always a challenge – regardless of how much you love someone, embarrassment or perfectionism seems to come to the forefront with you pick up the pen or put fingers to the keyboard.Don’t let those feelings rob your love of the power of your words!Pretend as though he or she is sitting with you and, instead of talking through your feelings, write them out instead.

Homemade Dinner

It might seem like a cop out to spend time in the kitchen instead of going out to a restaurant on Valentine’s Day, but there is nothing more do-it-yourself than a meal you’ve made by hand.It is remarkably less expensive than finding a table at an overcrowded hot spot.Thanks to your dinner for two being at home, you will also have the opportunity to carry on a conversation without interruptions from other noisy diners or a waiter hoping you’ll be gone soon so he can make as much money as possible on the busiest evening of the year.


This idea is so simple, it’s almost a given – and, since there is no paper involved, it’s a green solution to sharing your love on February 14th.The number of options available online is growing all the time and the quality is improving at a rapid pace.Have a look through some of your choices and figure out if you want something humorous or romantic, then schedule a time for your greeting to be delivered.

Movies on the Couch

Everyone has a romantic comedy or two that makes them laugh years after the first viewing, which is why this present is so easy to pull off.Pull a DVD from your collection or queue it up through your streaming service, then plop down on the sofa for an evening snuggling.Don’t have anything appealing?Head to your nearest big box retailer and you will probably find a classic in the bargain section.

For an added treat, hand your sweetie a package that includes the movie, a bag of microwavable popcorn and a beverage of your choice.Want to really turn on the romance?Choose chocolate-covered fruit and champagne.


Are you in a relationship with a bookworm?It doesn’t matter how many different books he or she has consumed, you can never go wrong by providing him or her with something new.To save money, head to a secondhand store and see what you can find – or, if you really want to show off your do-it-yourself chops, write one yourself.Depending on your level of skill and the time you have available, you might be able to create a children’s story or fill-in-the blanks novel in short order.