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Should I say something to my boyfriend? - Printable Version

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Should I say something to my boyfriend? - star 4 life - 03-11-2014 03:16 PM

I noticed he follows a lot of girls on Instagram. I'm not sure if he knows them personally but on some of their bio's they say they go to the same University as him. I don't know if i should tell him that i don't like him following a lot of girls or just led it slide and trust him. Hes never done anything behind my back before but i suppose its normal for me to be jealous because i feel that a lot of them are very pretty. Have any of you gone through something like this? and how did you solve it? Im kinda embarrass to tell him about it. I dont want him to think im a stalker. (We have been dating for 6 months)

- Micah M - 03-11-2014 03:19 PM

You trust him, or you don't be with him. You will come of sounding controling (which you would be), and that is never cool.

- Gary - 03-11-2014 03:30 PM

ask him if he is having any relationships with these women and tell him that you don't like him having relations with other women besides you

- Katrina - 03-11-2014 03:41 PM

Hey there. I have found if you trust them there is no need to bring it up. He has done nothing in the past to make you question if he is trustworthy or not. If you make it seem like you think him cheating on you is a possibilty then he is going to think you don't trust him. Him thinking you don't trust him is going to cause you a lot of trouble and heartache down the road. I made the mistake of letting my jealousies get the best of me in the past and it never ended well. Just hang in there. Remember he is your man and you are his woman. There is a reason he is with you and not them.

- Carol - 03-11-2014 03:52 PM

He's following a lot of pretty girls in Instagram and you trust him not to do anything behind your back. But isn't that what he's doing? Good luck.