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I don't know what to do about this guy? - Printable Version

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I don't know what to do about this guy? - Matty - 03-11-2014 05:06 PM

So I'm in my freshman year of High School, and there's this guy that started talking to me on Facebook a couple of weeks ago. Well he had a girlfriend at the time, and they broke up about two weeks ago. Well ever since then he's been severely flirting with me,,,,And it's kind of weird... He always wants to text me, and when I don't text back right away, he flips out and messages me on Facebook and texts me until I answer. And he's liked all of my pictures(even the old ones on Facebook)....He calls me beautiful and always wants me to hug him and stuff, and out of no where he called me his "bff" and said he'd be happy to date me. I mean, he's sweet to me, but he's kind of obsessive....And all of his ex- girlfriends say his really rude. Also, we don't have any classes together and have never really talked in person....So it's weird. And I know it's really dumb, and I have a feeling he'll probably hurt me eventually, but I'm still very intrigued in he thought of being his girlfriend....I know I'm being really dumb about liking him, but I honestly can't stop myself for falling for him....I just really don't know what to do...He's got my number and everything. Should I just cut all ties with him, or try to be "just friends?" Or should I go for it and see how it turns out? Also, if I do need to cut all of our ties, how do I block his number? Aha I feel really stupid and conflicted, and I'm really sorry about all of the questions. Any NICE advice will be greatly appreciated!

- Heather - 03-11-2014 05:18 PM

I would probably cut it off. I can't stand obsessive guys, especially if they're obsessive from the beginning. I feel like if a guy is obsessive from the start, they're probably going to start being controlling eventually too. As far as if you guys should be friends or if you should just completely cut things off, I guess that's really up to you. In my experience, if you push back and try to just be friends with an obsessive guy, they just become even more obsessive. I was supposed to go out with a guy tonight who was slightly obsessive so I cancelled and he's sent me 7 texts and left 2 voicemails. It sounds like the guy you're talking about is kind of crazy if he's messaging you that much.

- lizzie gorman - 03-11-2014 05:29 PM

I think he sounds like a royal pain in the a$$. I had a similar problem with a guy like that. He was sweet, and interesting, yet impulsive with very little self control. You need to set limits with this guy, tell him you're happy to talk with him but you can't just drop everything to answer his constant texting. Let his calls go to voicemail. If he can't control himself on social media I shudder to think how he'll act on an actual date.