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Gf called me her strong little man? - James - 03-11-2014 08:03 PM

Me and my gf were talking on the phone and she was bout to go to bed...and she called me her strong little man..I asked her why I gotta be little? And she said cause "you're short now goodnight" I told her damn I feel played and then I told her that "she has no booty"..cause she's a slim girl. She got mad..and said bye and hung up..I usually don't say nothing cause I like to keep peace but obviously she thought I was scared to say something back bout her. I feel like she was trying to play me on some ****. Girl talks about exes 24/7 plus talks about other guys who hit on her and she call them sexy etc. she likes tall guys as I found out and she's not serious bout us as she doesn't wanna be. Made a fake account on Facebook playing another guy and she told him she was single...btw I'm 5 ft 4 and 3 years older than this girl but I work out..I'm tired of the dispespect though.thoughts???

- jeffeg - 03-11-2014 08:17 PM

Wow you have huge self-esteem issues to the point where it's embarrassing. You know you're short, so you insult her to make her feel bad because you're sensitive about your height? You even know she isn't interested in something serious with her and you're putting this much thought into it? Grow the fuck up, you sound like an enormous bitch.

- Pablo - 03-11-2014 08:31 PM

It's a term of endearment. You focused on "short" too much. She also said you were "strong", a "man" and hers (not in a possessive creepy way probably). She was most likely playfully teasing you.
She didn't think you were too scared to say anything back, she was just not expecting it (considering what she said was not negative).
Being "short" has a bad rep., but that doesn't make you less of a guy let alone a person. You've got to build some more confidence- embrace your height. A tall guy and a short guy can both dunk a basketball. One of them just has to jump higher.
An apology would be a good idea dude. Even though you misunderstood/misinterpreted what she meant, you still . . . insulted her (I don't know any other way to put it). Sorry man.
You said she was slender -- tell her that. If she has a nice waist or long legs you could mention that every once in awhile. Also, she probably has a nicer butt than you would've liked to admit at the time, right?
You two need to get on the same page. Where are each of you in the relationship? Do either of you feel differently on certain things? That is some stuff to sit down and talk about.
She might just be mentioning other guys to get a reaction from you or make you jealous. It's a possibility. She may also just not realize how much it bugs you. If you guys are going to move on at any point in the future, you're going to have to trust each other.
Also, Facebook isn't taken as seriously as real life, so she might not be bothered about that having an effect on her outside of the computer. You've got some stuff to think about, but I just gave you possibilities. You'll have to talk to her to get the actual answers.
Good luck with everything. Oh, and Merry (almost) Christmas. Smile