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Facebook Friend Help Please? - Printable Version

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Facebook Friend Help Please? - Madisson - 03-11-2014 08:26 PM

I am not sure how to exactly explain the situation, but I shall try my best! Facebook is showing my friend "Blocked". They do not show up on my friends list, but if I go onto their profile, it says we are friends. On my news-feed , it shows my friend's name in a black and bold font. Also, they have the profile picture that you get when you first join facebook. Yet it shows their statuses. [I cannot click on the name to link to their profile. If I click their profile picture it says "Profile does not exist".]
I also cannot message them. It says something like "Your message could not be delivered at this time". My friend has the same issue with me. He did not block me , nor did I block him.

Does anyone have a clue what is going on? Or is fuckberg messing up?
Also, it's been like this for a month.

- Oliva Harthorn - 03-11-2014 08:34 PM

She probably blocked you...

- Mike - 03-11-2014 08:46 PM

remove him from your friend list then add him again

- Chris Pointer - 03-11-2014 09:01 PM

i believe you mean fuckerberg

- Daniel - 03-11-2014 09:04 PM

Its a Error With Facebook You are Not Friends with that person