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Should I worry about this? - Printable Version

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Should I worry about this? - Jordan - 03-11-2014 09:11 PM

So basically, what happened is I'm being abused by my folks.......the CPS and police already came recently and "took care of the situation" and I'm trying to heal from it all now.
About a year ago (aka before I called police/CPS) I told an exboyfriend about the situation, because he had told me that he went through child abuse. However, when I told him my situation, he told me that he hadn't gone through child abuse and that he didn't believe me. I didn't defend myself, but tonight for some reason I got so mad over what he said that I messaged him on Facebook about it and we had this fight...long story short the fight suddenly took place on this other website.....basically on this blog where everyone could see and "comment". One girl tried to calm us down and someone had reported my comments and now my account is apparently deleted and I also got a message from the website that one of the advisors is "investigating" my account.Is the advisor going to inform the police or somebody about this?
Should I be worried about this?

- Marian - 03-11-2014 09:17 PM

Should have let it go.

- Elindriel - 03-11-2014 09:31 PM

No. You may just be banned from facebook for a while as well as that blog site. Don't worry too much about it. you'll be ok. You stood up for yourself about the issue to the guy and he was malicious to post it. He'll probably get in more trouble then you.